
This is what you call Hayya

My 3yr old cousin was on the floor just rolling about when I noticed her trousers were ripped pretty badly.

So I pointed it out and started laughing and she was just like "no they're not ripped!" and quickly got up trying to cover the fact.

But then she gave in and let my mum fix them for her.

In the mean time she had no trousers on and there was just me and her 7yr old sister in the room.

Secrets of the heart 1

we spend too much time on body, when the leader of the body is the HEART and this is what we need to focus on.

the body will always go wrong as long as the heart is neglected

how to get the heart in a good state?

the heart has two forces/powers/abilities:
-comprehension/knowledge all intellectual faculties <<< about what the heart can contain/possess

-love/inclination <<< about the impact the heart has on other things.

if theses two forces used wrongly - lead to misery, sadness, frustrated heart. this is the inevitable outcome.

if we do not use the heart for ITS PURPOSE - we will destroy it.
e.g: using a small car to carry heavy loads - in long run it will cause you more trouble than good

RE: the danger of covering for men.

at first i didnt really get the title. but i think its slowly making sense... Biggrin

here are extracts of the article that i found really thought provoking and that i wanted to share.

I looked out at the audience. “This is hijab, ladies. And no, it’s not for men. It’s for you. It protects you from yourself, and keeps you focused on what you need to be focused on whenever you go out. Instead of,” I smiled humorously, “distracting yourself while you hope to distract others.” I paused. “And perhaps regretting it for the rest of your life.”
