I haven't Blogged in ages - yes who cares?! I CARE, writing on here was my outlet and now,now I don't think I even have an outlet.. no I lie, the outlet I've been using is making Du'a.. it's pretty wonderful, you should try it sometime.. real Du'a..
Ok the beauties of Du'a is a story for another day so on with random thought processes.. I'm a little rusty so bear with me, where to start umm
Recent events always helps me going me thinks.
I applied to do a Masters at Cardiff University, went through the crazy process of applying for the course, applying for funding, applying for accommodation, got all that sorted - I got an unconditional offer and found a decent place to stay (with girls, was my main priority, but Allah blessed me with finding three girls who were Muslim, so I wouldn't be too close to the drinking, party scene), packing all my kitchenware (aka taking all the good stuff from home ha), I even made a friend (one of my would be house mates grin).
Ok so all was set, everything was ready for me to head off back into the world of education. Oh the course was MA Islam in Contemporary Britain, Muslim relations, tackling Islamophobia etc and current issues regarding Muslims in Britain.
Ok again, so all was set, everything was ready for me to head off back into the world of education.
One of the days, a week before I was meant to leave, I was praying Maghrib Salaah and after I had finished, I made my Du'a (so much for Du'a is another story Eek) and prayed that I be taken away from things that might be wrong for me, prayed that He guide me because in all honesty, I'd heard stories of this new found freedom and the impacts it has on one's Deen and I was scared.. yes scared.. let's move on lalala
So anyway as normal, I prayed and went downstairs where a discussion struck about life and the choices we make and the consequences of our actions. All, hand in hand with the big 'Where are you going in life' question. It struck me. It literally got me lost in thought and my excitement of a new adventure at university, slowly calmed and I realised that although I was definitely interested in the course and definitely thought it was beneficial, what I had a passion about, for many years, was to work on my Arabic.
Why, when I finally had time, wasn't I working towards that goal, something that will help me better my understanding and recitation of the Qur'an? I had the one thing that was fully stopping me from committing myself to learning.. time. I don't have to worry about the shift patterns at work anymore (although I do need to find something part time actually). It made me think and my uneasy heart was calmed and I knew what I had to do.
So the next day, I cancelled everything. My accommodation, my place at university, ok I still haven't unpacked the kitchenware - it's still packed in the box, but the point is, I changed my mind and I felt no regret in doing so. Alhumdullillah I think, Alhumdullillah you think, Alhumdullillah, Alhumdullillah, Alhumdullillah.
Since then, I searched for a Arabic course like a maniac. I visited, called, emailed various places and yesterday, I think I found one! The reception I got when I went in to see them was amazing and I have a really good feeling about this..
I'll let you know where it is after I start, justtt in case this place doesn't make it either
Well twas a blog worth waiting for, rlly enjoyed reading that! MashAllah
And kudos on the bravery mashAllah that musta been HUUUGE making that decision, wow. It's hard finding regret with a decision when its made for the sake of Allah(swt) though
Btw, if I come across maybe a teensy bit more excited than is warranted for this kinda post, forgive a sister but its only cos I can relate to some of the stuff u mentioned eeeever so slightly. One of them being that I was intending to go on an Arabic course tooooo!
So do update pretty please about the course! 
(But I thought someone mentioned tht ur part of the London crew? :s )
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
Wow subhanallah!
I was going through the exact same thing (i mean with changing my outlet from Revvy to dua and from people to Allah). Dua truly is an amazing tool to have and when you strongly believe Allah will answer them one way or another it's even more powerful.
Masha' Allah on making the decision to study arabic, i pray that it goes well for you and you get what's best in this dunya and the akhirah.
It truly is amazing how after you've made dua you can see it's affect almost immediately.
Have to say @Billz that your posts helped immensely, thanks and thanks Truth for sharing this blog. It made me smile and reading something like this helps to keep my faith strong.
May Allah guide us all. Ameen
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
(its rarely a choice of People or God. If it appears as such, it needs to be questioned as chances are while choosing the latter will feel like a good thing to do and be done with the noblest of intentions, but it could easily be a wrong choice, because the choice is not what it initially seems.)
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Trust you to put a downer on things.
Wait. What is it a choice of then? If not a People Vs God thing?
@Grinno - MashaAllah, that's great!
I agree with bilan, well done on being so brave! InshaAllah you'll have made the right choice
Oh and I do care about your lack of blogging!
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Good vs Bad?..
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
What if they both seem good?
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
People Vs God is not the same as bad Vs good.
People can be good.
God created us to be part of and take part in communities.
The idea that you have to witdraw from people for religoius obligations is rarely accurate. You withdraw from haraam acts, do not encourage them, but the rest of the time you are to be human.
If the understanding of Islam and living with people suddenly becomes irreconcileable, that understanding of Islam is wrong as Islam is to be implemented in the community.
(some people also take the idea of segregation too far, but that is a different topic.)
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I didnt say tht good vs bad was a replacement for people vs God but that the choice lies between good vs bad, or haraam vs halal rlly. Sometimes that might mean withdrawing from (certain) people doesnt it?
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
I am so not getting into the People vs God debate but one thing I'd like to throw out there is my personal view of, People vs Shaytaan aka Iblis aka The Devil. It's the devil who is our enemy, and was the enemy of Adam pbuh, Iblis was the one who vowed to lead us astray.
Anyway that was a little, 'let me just throw that in there'..
@Bilan, I'll message you the details InshaAllah
@You, the reason why people find it noble to turn to God is because every child is born upon the Fitrah, we all have religion and love for Allah planted within us. Whether we tend to this seed is a different thing but having that Deen within us already, makes it feel like we've found our way home when we pray or make Du'a, maybe I should use first person..*I* feel that way anyway..
Has anyone else made or noticed a transition from Blind Faith to genuine belief? (Foysal,I acknowledged your comment btw, it's so comforting when people are on the same sort of religious page, I'm not too sure if that makes sense but hey)
[As always TPOS, you never fail to make me Grinn!]
Jihad of the Nafs (The Struggle of the Soul)
If you mean from just going through the motions.. to genuine belief, I think I have yes and thank you!
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
I feel totally left out, lets behonest.. the moment i stop coming out look what an AWESOME blog comes up. allow me to sulk.
BUT! YES! tthat feeling, A REVELATION! its not really blind faith, or going through the motions for me, it was more a "i know im meant to do this, i know im meant to do that, i know the wisdom behind this, and that etc.. and then PAAAAAFF you FEEL it, like I WANT TO DO THIS and I WANT TO DO THAT and this WISDOM is AWESOME behind it, but even without it, I just wanna do this because God is just SOOO SOOO SOOO FAAAAAABB". okay. i guess its pretty much what Grinno and Billz mentionned except...lets qualify it as "highly Lillified" yes? Case closed.
BUT YES DUA is the best. and i couldnt have put it better myself - finding people on the same religious page is amazing and really comforting and heartwarming.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?