Forum Topics

Let me put the cuppa on...

why the hell do paki's drink SO much tea?

and has anyone actually tasted how yucky paki tea is? and how long it takes to make it?

is anyone here mad about tea and drink 5-6 cups a day?

aint too much caffiene bad for u?

are u a coffee or a tea lover?

and how can u drink tea in this heat?

english tea is the best Dirol

btw why DO many people think that all the problems in the world can be resolved by "putting the cuppa on" :roll:


Now that is what I call rain!

And it looks beautiful.

I hate the normal dull light drizzly rain we get, but this is iompressive. The thunder and lightening do add to the effect greatly.


Many of the world' s leading Muslim leaders, scholars and thinkers are gathered in Istanbul today to attend a two-day conference ( 1-2 July 2006 ) addressing the challenges and opportunities currently facing European Muslims.


The publication of cartoons demonizing the prophet Mohammed across Europe and the violent reactions this has provoked amongst Muslims living in Europe and the Middle East , has thrown into sharp relief the issues surrounding tolerance and understanding.

In this international

To Extent Would You Obey Your Parents?


In Islam obedience to parents as long as it does not contradict obedience to Allah (swt) is stressed..

Some scholars in the Hanafi madhab state that, if a parent calls a child, and he/she is reading Nafil Salaah, he has to break it and tend to the parents.

How far would you obey your parents? Isn’t it correct to say that some parents are easier to obey then others?

Or does it depend on the situation? Would you obey your parents if they told you which career to take? Whom you should marry? And where you can/cant go?

US Scum-Soldiers Rape Girl , Kill Family

BEIJI, Iraq - Five U.S. Army soldiers are being investigated for allegedly raping a young woman, then killing her and three members of her family in Iraq, a U.S. military official told The Associated Press on Friday.

The soldiers also allegedly burned the body of the woman they are accused of raping.

Maj. Gen. James D. Thurman, commander of coalition troops in Baghdad, had ordered a criminal investigation into the alleged killing of a family of four in Mahmoudiya, south of Baghdad, the U.S. command said.

Annual Sisters Conference

[b]Annual Sisters Conference.[/b]

Date: [b]2nd July[/b]

Time: [b]1pm to 5 pm[/b]


[b]Masjid o Madrassah Jamiatus Salaam [/b]
Alum Rock Rd
Ward End

This is the Jamia's annual sisters conference - ladies only. All ladies in the locality are invited to attend with due regard for shari'a restrictions on travel and with shari' hijab.

Alimaat will be delivering speeches and lectures in both urdu and english.

The value of life

what is the value of life ?

how many of you agree that a muslim life is worth less than a westerners live.

well according to the media and George Bush and Tony Blair and the whole Western civilisation as it is called , this is true.

If a british civillian dies its all candles and rememberence and sorrow however when a muslim civillian dies where are the candles and the rememberence.
