Forum Topics

Youngest Muslim Reverts in The World.

"Med" wrote:
"(*_Shazan" wrote:
The light had change to green but I was temporary blinded by the noor shining from them.

loooooooool. May ALLAH make you laff in the highest paradise bruv as you made me smile on earth. ameen.

Yeh - some ppls noor does blind and they dont even know it. mashaALLAH.

Youngest Muslim Reverts in The World. Children in England Turn To Islam.

Watch this documentary and Insha’Allah , Allah continue to shower his blessing upon us all.

[quote]This video just Shows kids who were interested in Islam.

SAHIH AL-BUKHARI taught by Shaykh Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri

Minhaj-ul-Quran International invites you to:


Dates: Friday 28th July - Sunday 30th July 2006
Venue: Gamkol Sharif Mosque, 107 Golden Hillock Road, Small Heath,
Birmingham, B10 0DX

A three day auspicious gathering of study of Al-Jami Al-Sahih of
Imam al-Bukhari (rh) taught by Shaykh Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri.
Please bring your copies of Sahih al-Bukhari in Arabic, English
or Urdu, plus a note book. All brothers and sisters are welcome.

For more information contact:

Hijjabing lil Girls

my baby sister who's 8 wears a hijaab

she's wore one since she was 6

when she's out and about with me i tell her that she doesnt have to wear it-when i pick her up from school and its hot-i let her take it off

my sister and mum dont give her that choice

as a little girl she's not fussed either way

i started to wear a scarf when i was 9-IMO I was told to wear it too young

many girls i know who were told to wear on when they were young took it off when they become teenagers-i too went thru a on/off period

when's the best age to start covering up?

Is there a "We"?

[b]Alsalam Alycom,,[/b]

In his latest article, Tariq Ramadan, tried to redefine the "We" expression, here is the article,
Manifesto for a New "We"

As a British Muslim my question now is,
Is there a Muslim Ummah in the first place so we can say "We"?
For me, British people are my Ummah.

Have your say…
Ellie C[b][/b]

Warning! Muslims Wake up watch this!!!!! Bollywood Badboyz


[b]Islamophobia is detailed and personified in this short video regarding the apalling portrayal of Muslims and Islam in the world's largest film industry, Bollywood.[/b]

[url=]Bollywood Badboyz[/url] :x :x :x :x :x :x

Citizenship Education

Citizenship Education
Citizenship education has been added to the National Curriculum and its aims to teach pupils: about the origins and implications of the diverse national, regional, religious and ethnic identities in the United Kingdom and the need for mutual respect and understanding. The introduction to the National Curriculum proclaims: promoting pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development through citizenship.

In an ideal world, Muslims would have integrated schools where people of different faiths could specialize in them within the curriculum.

Niceness between Siblings

"MuslimSister" wrote:
However, for some reason my niceness never extends to my siblings...

i actually found this comment of MuslimSis' quite interesting, couldn't reply to it in that thread as it would've been off-topic and it's probably deserving of its own thread anyway, so...

why is it that we are so nice to a complete stranger, yet harsh with our siblings? maybe not harsh, but just not as 'nice'? how many of us have no problem hugging our friends but when it comes to siblings, thats just awkward.
