Forum Topics

Citizenship Education

Citizenship Education
Citizenship education has been added to the National Curriculum and its aims to teach pupils: about the origins and implications of the diverse national, regional, religious and ethnic identities in the United Kingdom and the need for mutual respect and understanding. The introduction to the National Curriculum proclaims: promoting pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development through citizenship.

In an ideal world, Muslims would have integrated schools where people of different faiths could specialize in them within the curriculum.

A Dark Revival


I am in a dark mood.

Well not really, but I have been working on a more professional theme for the site, and half way through, its gone a bit well... dark.

And My original plan was to call the theme 'Revival Breeze'!

Can't have a dark breeze so I will have to find a new name.

My mate was murdered a few days ago, please do prayers

Hi this is kas i lost my other sn so i made a new one.

My mate was murdered a few days ago by some white people, His name was Shazan Umarijee, from Preston, Lancashire, England only 20 years old.
Some of you might have seen it on the news.

Please do prayer for him and his family. Inshallah he will go to Jhannat.

May Allah show mercy upon him and open the gates of paradise for him, Inshallah.

Exhibition & Open Day, 29th & 30th July 06 in London


Since the creation of mankind God has sent messages to humanity through persons chosen and inspired by Him. They include Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus and Muhammad. Such persons have been the real leaders of mankind. Their message was essentially the same: to call people to worship and submit to One God.

27th Thursday July 2006 - Night of wishes -Laylat alragha'ib

27th Thursday July 2006 - Night of wishes -Laylat al-ragha'ib

Below are Dua recommend by the people of Sufi Tariqah

Duas and Dhikr for-Complete Devotions of Rajab-P22

Free E- Book of Full Benefits Duas/Dhikr of Rajab Word format -

(Note:if it does not then right the links and Download)

above is the Downloadable of all you need below are web links which is what hte E-book is based on!

First Friday night of Rajab - Night of wishes" (laylat al-ragha'ib

Amazing two day course this weekend July 29th


Following on from last year’s highly successful “children around the prophet” course. Dr Hesham Al-Awadi will deliver a two day course titled “Women inspired by the beloved (peace be upon him) in central London on JULY 29th -30th.
GOTO to view full poster and Enroll online.

This course will seek to dissect the vicitudes of history from the dawn of the Beloved messenger of God to our present day.
