Forum Topics


When a child is born is it best for the child to take on their fathers surnames , mothers or neither ?

My neices and nephews have all taken on their fathers surnames but one of my cousin nephews has taken on no-ones surname as his mum did not like the surname of his dad.

I myself have taken on my dads surname and now that im married everyones like telling me to change it to my husbands or to take on his name as my surname, i mean like what the hell as if i would.


Iam sorry I vaguley remeber seeing a thread with this name but I couldnt seem to find it.

I have always been told that participating in the lottery/ looto is haraam. simply because the winnings are not halal, as any money we as muslims have or earn has to be worked for, has to come from our own "flesh and blood" so to say. Any money made from the selling of alcohol or other haraam substances is haraam and so is the lotto.

However I have also been told that when Allah(swt) wills he gives and when he wills he takes.


did anyone else go to this??????????????????????????????????????

wud luv 2 hear yur thoughts on it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

I thouhgt it was okay - a bit small if you ask me...........................

A Few Bad Men

[size=18]A Few Bad Men[/size]

[i]Ten years after a scandal over neo-Nazis in the armed forces, extremists are once again worming their way into a recruit-starved military.

by David Holthouse[/i]

July 7, 2006 -- Before the U.S. military made Matt Buschbacher a Navy SEAL, he made himself a soldier of the Fourth Reich.

Before Forrest Fogarty attended Military Police counter-insurgency training school, he attended Nazi skinhead festivals as lead singer for the hate rock band Attack.

And before Army engineer Jon Fain joined the invasion of Iraq to fight the War on Terror, the neo-Nazi National Alliance member fantasized about fighting a war on Jews.



It is one year since the 7/7 bombings. How did people feel today? Did it bring back memories? Have any lessons been learnt since 7/7? Have we changed as individials or as a community? Do we need to change?

I was spat on today by two white people in their car...whether it was 7/7 retribution or just racist thugs i dont know? Anyone else had any bad experiences since 7/7?


Quotes and words of Wisdom

Salamz broz n sis nt loged in here for months..i find short quotes n words of wisdoms v motivating so wud b gr8ful if any of u broz n sistrs share sum wid me. Jazakallah ps i regret alot of posts iv sent in d past especialy on d topic of mawlid.. Im just fedup of ikhtilafi issues..debatin n arguin dnt do our iman any gud.went2my 1st mawlid cnfrence in wembly shaykh Habib Ali Al Jifri wow a gr8 man
