
It is one year since the 7/7 bombings. How did people feel today? Did it bring back memories? Have any lessons been learnt since 7/7? Have we changed as individials or as a community? Do we need to change?

I was spat on today by two white people in their car...whether it was 7/7 retribution or just racist thugs i dont know? Anyone else had any bad experiences since 7/7?



As the one-year anniversary of the London bombings that claimed 52 lives and injured hundreds is commemorated today (July 7), The Revival totally and openly condemns terrorists who cowardly attack innocent people. Our sympathy goes to all whose lives were changed by the explosions on the Underground and on the bus in Tavistock Square.

“The London terror attacks were a nasty piece of work by sick, pathetic, blood-sucking idiots. These attacks were a massive crime against humanity. This was a job carried out by crackpots who have no value for human life”, said Sajid Iqbal, Editor of The Revival.

If something positive has come out of these attacks then I would say it has created an opportunity for everyone in Britain to have a closer look at the true teachings of Islam. A chance to speak to sincere scholars, to visit the mosques, to pick up a copy of the Quran and discuss Islam with educated Muslims.

Also these attacks should not divide the British public away from Muslims, but it should do the opposite. One year after these terrible atrocities, it should bring us even more closer together. To help each other through these difficult times. To understand each other and to bridge the gap between the communities.

Islam has been hijacked by an extremist minority and the Muslim community in Britain wishes to claim its religion back and demonstrate to our fellow country men and women what the true image of Islam is. To do this we must not listen to the extremists but sit down and talk to one another and build bridges.

If we close our selves off this will only alienate us and will give the extremists more ammunition. So please people, one year on, lets stand together and show that we will not bow to the demands of the terrorists, and that we are British and a UNITED Kingdom.


"TheRevivalEditor" wrote:

It is one year since the 7/7 bombings. How did people feel today? Did it bring back memories? Have any lessons been learnt since 7/7? Have we changed as individials or as a community? Do we need to change?

I was spat on today by two white people in their car...whether it was 7/7 retribution or just racist thugs i dont know? Anyone else had any bad experiences since 7/7?


Its not fair that we muslims have to suffer coz of a few mindless idiots, theyve gone but we have to suffer the consequences i just wish they actually knew the whole story instead of doing what they did.

All we need is more hate man whats going on in this world we live in.
Cant mankind just get along with one another.

This is the perfect excuse for a racist to hit on a muslim, they will find any excuse and filth like the BNP will exploit this in their favour.

We muslims are not to blame for 7/7, the extremists and politicians are.

I will not live my life in Fear.

Islam is the Key to paradise but without practice it won't open the gates.

Ed, the use of the word 'idiot' is not considered to be very PC. Especially for an official press release about a bombing.

I've changed it on the homepage. You should change in your post too (or a mod should).

I dont feel any different... or noticed any difference to be honest i didnt even realise it was the 7/7 anniversary till someone at work mentioned it.

Just another regretable day... maybe coz we're (or i'm) so detached from events that happened all the way in London... i dunno.

Back in BLACK

I attended a remembrance event in Minhaj Ul Qur'an London today...it was an interfaith remembrance with loads of vicars, bishops, MP's etc

Personally I feel that familes need to move on....I hope that the 7/7 remembrance is not dragged on for years and years like the 9/11 event is. I know it was a tragic event however, it's not healthy to bring it up again and again, also bringing up (and sensationalising) the past hinders the healing process.


Today I went up in the hills. It was a beautiful day.

I stood there and prayed for my country:

"O God! I ask Thee to protect this green and pleasant land.
Let not its enemies bring harm upon its people.
Make this nation peaceful and adorable to all who live here.
You are the Almighty. Give wisdom to its leaders. Make Britain prosper.
O Lord, accept my prayer. There is no God but You."

On Friday, I was at home watching BBC News 24.

When the Big Ben struck 12 noon, I stood up in silence with
the rest of the nation for two minutes.
This was in remembrance of those fellow Britons who
perished in the terror attacks a year ago in London.


"Omrow" wrote:

the rest of the nation for two minutes.

I work in a sales environment.

Our two minutes lasted 60 seconds... (we had the fire alarm go off to tell us when to go silent, and when to start pitching again...)

I believe the above is called being money-motivated. Good for progression in sales...

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

[size=18]'Race' attack on imam near mosque[/size]

A mosque has been forced to close after an assistant imam was attacked after allegedly receiving racial abuse on his way to morning prayers.

The 29-year-old victim left hospital after the attack in Rhyl, Denbighshire, five days ago, but was re-admitted after his condition worsened.

Muslim leaders condemned the attack near the Islamic Cultural Centre, which has had to cancel services.

Imam Awad Kareem said two men attacked him after asking if he was a Muslim.

He added: "When he told them that he was, they told him: 'If you want to live and stay in this country, you shouldn't say you're a Muslim'. I regard that as a threat to his life.

"He is the man we have chosen to conduct morning prayers - he has studied and learnt all the prayers.

"Because of his injuries he is unable to attend the mosque and so we can't hold many of our services."

The victim is thought to have received 15 stitches to his face.

He was walking to the mosque at around 2.30am on Wednesday, 5 July, when his attackers struck.

Dr Ahmed Valijan, secretary of the Islamic Centre, said: "It's very worrying. We have very good relations with the community in Rhyl and other religions.

"We have been trying to build bridges, especially since (last year's London bombings on) 7 July, but we feel this has dented our confidence."

Dr Valijan said that a week earlier North Wales Police officers visited the centre and assured the Islamic community racial abuse would not be tolerated.

He has written to the force's diversity officer to express concern.

Police have so far not commented on the assault.

[url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/wales/north_east/5165676.stm]BBC News[/url]

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

That is just so frustrating, it's annoying that Muslims face such backlash.

Thanks to Allah (swt) I don't think in Glasgow it has come to this stage whilst elsewhere in UK it is very bad, Glasgow seems to have a community where Muslims/non-Muslims have a very good understanding between each other and may this last inshallah.

(Why was the whole of my post deleted when i posted on 7th of july? It's really annoyin, can the mods not use the simple facility of "editing a post" :roll: :evil: )

Full of it.

"Assadullah" wrote:
The other day i was in London, and I went to the toilets of Pizza Hut where I saw [b]some1 had wrote on the wall 'Die Asian Muslim Scum'[/b], tht kinda made me disheartened and sad, especially since I was born in London so I consider it to be my home.[b] I thought most people ahd come out the mentality of every asian and muslim being a terrorist, bt I guess not[/b].

[b]some1[/b] :arrow: [b]most people[/b]?

[size=10]I feel I'm gonna move on back down south
you know where the water tastes like cherry wine[/size]

its arrogance on the part of 100

nowt wrong with what assadullah said.......he cant exactly say 'most people wrote it on the wall'.....but the fact someone wrote it doesnt mean its only that persons view, a lot of people do hold that view, its shown on documentaries too. why do you get offended?

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


"Sirus" wrote:
its arrogance on the part of 100

nowt wrong with what assadullah said.......he cant exactly say 'most people wrote it on the wall'.....but the fact someone wrote it doesnt mean its only that persons view, a lot of people do hold that view, its shown on documentaries too. why do you get offended?

Odd question. I don't get offended, although calling me arrogant didn't much help. The extrapolation Assadullah made happens to be rubbish. He is claiming to have changed his mind about most people because of that comment. I'm hardly the one who's easily offended.

[size=10]I feel I'm gonna move on back down south
you know where the water tastes like cherry wine[/size]

That isn't consistent with exactly what you wrote.

[size=10]I feel I'm gonna move on back down south
you know where the water tastes like cherry wine[/size]

The extrapolation Assadullah mad is not rubbish. Its statistically biased to the degree that it can be accepted as invalid.


"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"TheRevivalEditor" wrote:

It is one year since the 7/7 bombings. How did people feel today? Did it bring back memories?

I was in hospital the last thing on my mind was 7/7. Maybe if i was in a better state of mind i'd have spared a thght. I didn't know if it was night or day cooped up in that place, thank God i'm home now.

Come to think of it i was treated the same as always, no trouble from the hospital staff at all, alhamdulilah.