what is the value of life ?
how many of you agree that a muslim life is worth less than a westerners live.
well according to the media and George Bush and Tony Blair and the whole Western civilisation as it is called , this is true.
If a british civillian dies its all candles and rememberence and sorrow however when a muslim civillian dies where are the candles and the rememberence.
yeh 9/11 was a horrible thing that caused 4000 innocent lives to be lost as was the london bombings, but what about the war of iraq where 10,000 innocent non military/rebels were killed, im talking about women and children 10,000 of them dead , or how about palestine where many thousands of innocent muslims have died from the terrorist israeli government but everytime an innocent jewish civillian is killed in israel its all over the news/newspapers and radio not to mention the many thousands of innocent muslims that have died in bosnia , afghanistan,chechnya , kashmir ect
In fact muslims are probably more guilty as whenever a non-muslim is killed by a muslim they are the first to say sorry and light the candles of rememberence , but what about the hundreds of thousands of innocent muslims died wheres there candles
Also in africa for example Rwanda (any of you seen hotel rwanda) where many thousands of africans were massacured and the un and western world didi nothing but watch and it was the westerners who were the cause of the origions of the massacure well belgiums to be precise.
Throughout africa many millions dies of innocent africans are killed either through wars, starvation or desease and the west does nothing, well they owe them, its because of them stripping away all of africas resources and creating borders that africa is in a mess
also aids wasnt a problem until it start affecting america and westerners
niether was drugs a problem until it showed up on wall street
so what is the value of life?
I agree the root of confliction nearly always leads up to some rich westerner sat in his office pulling all the strings, i.e the freemasons.
The value of life is equal to everyone regardless of sex, age, colour, race, religion, everyone is created equally.
The only thing that determines a particular person to be more superior to someone else is by their good deeds and positive actions.
Also how they try to better mankind and the world from their good deeds, intentions and actions.
However this can only be judged by Allah S.W.T.
Only Allah has the right to class one person more superior than another through their worship and fear of Allah.
No man has the right to judge. Those who cause mischief accross the world will be be accounted for on the day of judgment.
Islam is the Key to paradise but without practice it won't open the gates.
the value of life is that it is nothing. The real life is the life of the hereafter, death is just a stage.
There's an urdu saying -
jo mawt se dartey hain, wohi mawt se martey hain.
Those who fear the death, they are the ones who die a death.
This is alluding to the fact that the martyrs who do not fear death have been declared as not dead and as alive.
Its an interesting point.
People die, people live - deal with it. We shouldnt get overexcited about anything - sure we should feel peoples pain but thats not an excuse to go beyond the limits. ALLAH does everything for the best - including the death of muslims and the death of non-muslims.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
According to Imam Ghazali “the sanctity of life and the prohibition of aggression against it, Muslims and non-Muslims are equal. Attack on the personal safety of non-Muslims invokes the same punishment in this world and the Hereafter”.
In Islam if one unfairly destroys one life (regardless of religion/colour/creed) etc its as if they have killed a whole nation…and if one saves one life it’s as if they have saved a whole nation. That should give one an indication about how valuable human life is….