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A Sacred Retreat has been arranged for lovers of Knowledge & Wisdom to come together and benefit on all levels from the suhba and tutelage of the Noble Shaykh (may Allah continue to elevate his rank).

The dates for the Sacred Retreat are from Friday 31st August until Sunday 2nd September 2007. Full details of the Sacred Retreat are available through the registration process, please contact

Boris Running for Mayor


Boris Johnson is running for Mayor of London.

This thread is for general discussion of the subject when it crops up and an excuse to link his latest articles.

[url= Johnson: The grief of a stolen bicycle[/url]

Building Bridges

Building Bridges
The unrest among British Muslims both young and old is not only due the British policies abroad but also due the policies at home for the last fifty years. Anti-immigration was the norm during 60s & 70s and the British society and the Establishment just closed its eyes and even state schools tried to hide all physical and verbal abuse of Muslim children and teachers under the carpet. Muslims do not feel equal; that leads to a victim identity and extremism can take place.

Incompatible marriages

So what is everyones views on such marriages, Should we advise or keep quite?

Incompatible marriages

She’s getting married in the morning
But I feel like crying
It’s a marriage of disaster
And won’t last her
She thinks it’s for life
But it’s going to end in tears

Heartbroken, letdown, disillusioned
Abused and treated like dirt
Some of the traits
Of her new family to be

I should speak
But why can’t her family see
It’s crystal-clear
But some think I’m confused
A kill joy
So I remain silent

Let the marriage continue
Heading for disaster
But what

So you have a boy/girlfriend…


I’m sure we ALL know someone who has a boy/girlfriend. And/or smokes, drinks, screws over people, cheats, is involved in fraud of some sort etc etc

These people may just be an acquaintance of yours or maybe a close friend.

SO, what approach do you take with them…?

-Condemn them at every available opportunity?

-Refuse to be their friend?

-Give them an ultimatum?

-Grass them up?

-Ignore the issue altogether? Refuse to acknowledge the issue at all?

Many Asians 'do not feel British'

More than a third of British Asians do not feel British, a BBC poll suggests.
The research among the under-34s for the Asian Network found 38% of the UK residents of South Asian origin felt only slightly or not at all British.

More than a third agreed to get on in the UK they needed to be a "coconut", a term for somebody who is "brown on the outside but white on the inside".

ICM Research interviewed 500 Asian people aged 16-34 and 235 white people aged 18-34 between 4 and 12 July.

Egyptian grand mufti says Muslims can convert

Egyptian grand mufti says Muslims can convert

CAIRO: Egypt's official religious adviser has ruled that Muslims are free to change their faith as it is a matter between an individual and God, in a move which could have far-reaching implications for the country's Christians. "The essential question before us is can a person who is Muslim choose a religion other than Islam? The answer is yes, they can," Grand Mufti Ali Gomaa said in a posting on a Washington Post-Newsweek forum picked up by the Egyptian press on Tuesday.

Shaykh Muhammad Bin Yahya Ninowy-Schedule 29Jul - 05Aug 2007

The full schedule for Shaykh Sayyid Muhammad Bin Yahya Al-Ninowy is also available at :

City: Croydon (London)
Date: Sunday 29th July 2007
Event Start Time: 7.00pm
Lecture Title: Muhaajiroon and Al-Ansaar - Exemplars of Charity and Sacrifice
Venue: Al-Khair Primary & Secondary School, 109-117 Cherry Orchard Road, Croydon, CR0 6BE


City: Walthamstow (London)
Date: Monday 30th July 2007
Event Start Time: After Asr (approx 7.00pm)
Lecture Title: Imam Al Hassan (Radiallahu Anhu) - Ambassador of peace
Venue: Jami
