Shaykh Muhammad Bin Yahya Ninowy-Schedule 29Jul - 05Aug 2007

The full schedule for Shaykh Sayyid Muhammad Bin Yahya Al-Ninowy is also available at :

City: Croydon (London)
Date: Sunday 29th July 2007
Event Start Time: 7.00pm
Lecture Title: Muhaajiroon and Al-Ansaar - Exemplars of Charity and Sacrifice
Venue: Al-Khair Primary & Secondary School, 109-117 Cherry Orchard Road, Croydon, CR0 6BE


City: Walthamstow (London)
Date: Monday 30th July 2007
Event Start Time: After Asr (approx 7.00pm)
Lecture Title: Imam Al Hassan (Radiallahu Anhu) - Ambassador of peace
Venue: Jamia Masjid, 3-4 High Road, Leyton, London
Contact: 07900694533 (Br. Ridhwan)


City: Peterborough
Date: Tuesday 31st July 2007
Event Start Time: 7.00pm
Lecture Title: Barzakh - Life in the Grave
Venue: Faizan-e-Madina Masjid, 169-173 Gladstone Street, Peterborough, PE1 2BP


City: Birmingham (Traditional Halaqa)
Date: Wednesday 01st August 2007
Lecture Time: Maghrib til IshaLecture
Title: Dawah - Its importance and Rewards
Venue: Hazrat Sultan Bahu Trust, 17-21 Ombersley Road, Birmingham, B12 8UR


City: Derby
Date: Thursday 02nd August 2007
Event Start Time: 6.30 pm
Lecture Title: Rights of the Prophets (Musa (alaihisalaam) / Isa alaihisalaam) / Muhammad salallahu alihi wa aalihi wasalam
Venue: Derby Jamia Mosque, 6 Rose Hill, Derby, DE23 8GB
Phone: 01332 344 838


City: Rochdale
Date: Friday 03rd August 2007
Event Start Time: After Asr Salah (approx 7.00pm)
Lecture Title: Evening of Qasida Burda Sharif - Full recital with translation and commentary of selected verses. Followed by Zikkar & Food.
Venue: Jamia Chishtia Munir-ul-Islam, Rochdale, UK.


City: Oldham
Date: Saturday 04th August 2007
Event Start Time: 6.00 pm
Lecture Title: Tafseer of Surah Luqmaan
Venue: Al-Madina Jamia Mosque, 231-240 waterloo street, Oldham, OL4 1ES.


City: Leeds
Date: Sunday 05th August 2007
Event Start Time: 5:00 pm
Lecture Title: Mira'j An Nabi Sallalahu alaihi wa alihi wassalam
Venue: Jamia Masjid Abu Huraira, 1 Hardy Street, Beeston, Leeds, LS11 6JE
Phone: 01132 718050
Contact: 07880831622 (Br. Mahboob)

Shaykh Sayyid Muhammad Bin Yahya Al-Ninowy:
(For detailed biography, please visit:

Birth and Family lineage:
He is Muhammad son of As-Sayyed Yahya son of As-Sayyed Muhammad son of As-Sayyed Sa’id son of As-Sayyed Muhammad son of As-Sayyed Ali Al-Ninowy, who’s family descends from the southern Iraqi village of Ninowa, the place where Al-Imam Al-Husayn was martyred, a partial area of which is also known as Karbala. Shaykh Muhammad’s 33rd grandfather is The known blind pious scholar, the flag bearer of Ahlus Sunnah of his time, Al-imam Ibrahim Al-Mujab, (the first one of the family of the Prophet, sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi wa sallam, to migrate to Ninowa and established an Islamic University system). Al-Imam Ibrahim Al Mujab is the son of Al-Imam Muhammad Al-Aabed, son of Al Imam Musa Al Kathem, son of Al Imam Ja’far As-Saadeq, son of Al Imam Muhammad Al- Baqer, son of Al-Imam Zaynul’Abideen Ali,son of the Martyred Imam sayyidina Al-Husayn As-sibt, son of Maulana Al-Imam Ameer Al- Mu’mineen Ali bin Abi Taleb and the Lady Fatima Azzahra, daughter of the Best of the creation Sayyidina Muhammad bin Abdillah bin Abdil-Muttaleb bin Hashem from the tribe of Quraysh, sallallahu alayhi wa ala aalihi wa sallam.