Forum Topics

Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi

Beloved Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi will be delivering 2 talks in Peterborough this Friday 6th July at Faizan-e-Madina Masjid.

1.10pm-1.50pm - Prayers upon the Best of Creation sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam

2.00pm - The Juma Khutba and Salaat will be led by Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi.

2.30pm-3.30pm - Special Characteristics of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam

ALL WELCOME; prayer facilities for sisters are available -

Faizan-e-Madina Masjid, Peterborough
169-173 Gladstone Street

Muslim Student Association at Hogwarts

Heres something i read on the Manic Muslims website which i thought was quite funny. Its set in the Harry Potter school where they have their first ever Muslim Student Association meeting.
It discusses the use of magic and freemixing and such issues.

Very funny... have a read.

[size=19]Muslim Students Association at Hogwarts [/size]


Laughing so hard, your face hurts

A hot shower

Getting mail

Lying in your bed, listening to the rain outside

Hot towels out of the dryer

Finding the sweater you want, on sale at half price

Chocolate milkshake

A bubble bath

Having someone tell you that you're beautiful

A long conversation with an old friend

Waking up and realising you still have a few hours to sleep

Finding a $20. bill in your coat from last year

Sweet dreams

Swinging on swings

Watching a good movie with someone you love

Watching the expression on someone's face as they open a much desired gift

Winning a competition

Making chocolate chip cookies

Riding the best roller coasters over and over

smoking ban

i think its really bad that they stopped the smoking ban everywhere because now if you smoke then you cant enjoy yourself when you go out. i used to go sheesha with my bros but now they all closed and its not fair. english have pub and club and disco and everything and we only used to go snooker and sheesha and now we cant smoke in either. they should have kept it that sheesha places can stay open because anyone who goes there is choosing to go to a smokey place so it wasnt wrong but now we cant. Cray 2


Assalamu alaikum

Al-Hidayah has just launched a Forum to discuss about various Islamic topics and about the annual Al-Hidayah event.

The forum also includes an Islamic Q & A.

Articles will also be added to the website and Al-Hidayah are planning to release its Journal before the upcoming event.

So Al-Hidayah should soon become an Islamic Institution insh'allah and the movement will continue further by selling DVD's and Audio CD's.

What do you think of this?


Help research into Sunni-Shi'a identity in London

Assalamu Alaikum Brothers and Sisters

I am a Muslim PhD candidate in Social Anthropology at Oxford, researching Sunni-Shi'a identity and relations in London.

I am interested in interviewing Sunnis from London as to their views on what it means to be Sunni in modern Britain and how they view Shi'as/Shi'ism.

The interviews will be conducted either individually or in groups (via email/msn or in person). Your personal views will be respected and treated in the strictest confidence. Your identity will be kept anonymous.

Manchester - 5 A-Side Football Tournament Sat 14th July

5 A-Side Football Tournament.

Saturday 14th July

Kickoff Midday - Final about 4pm

VIDA, Whalley Range School, Wilbraham Road, Manchester

Free Registration
Free Refreshments
Free Food
includes a 20 min Dhikr session as well!

league format - so inshallah all teams will play a minimum of 4 matches.

Registeration closes 9th July.
