Forum Topics

Anti-Terror Lessons For Islam Wives

Anti-Terror Lessons For Islam Wives

TAXPAYERS are to fund evening classes to show Muslim woman how to control their men - and stop them becoming suicide bombers.

Communities Secretary Ruth Kelly will this week stump up £650,000 on a string of courses across Britain.

They aim to teach the women "confidence building, communication skills, negotiation and mediation".

Ms Kelly hopes the women will then be able to persuade husbands, brothers and sons not to be tempted to become Islamic terrorists.

She said: "The vast majority of UK Muslims condemn violent extremism - as I do.

Banned Users?


Just need to make sure I am banning the right users from the new forums. Only thing is I never banned all the usernames. For some I banned the use of their email or their ip addresses.

So are these the big fish?

Kamilah? (can't really remember)


The New forums Cometh!!!

Well, have now converted the database to the new system.

[b]As a result:[/b]

1. Any new members since about 10pm yesterday will need to re-register.
2. Any posts since about that same time yesterday will not be present in the new system.
3. Any members that had not made any posts by that time will also be deleted.

I will put a link up for preliminary testing soon.

[b]What you will not like[/b]

1. The theme. I am using the default atm.
2. Change. Not many people like change unless ti is obviously for the better for them. This should be much much better for me.



In most professions, whilst you’re doing your training, you’re usually assigned to someone who is your mentor.

He/she would usually be someone experienced in the field that you’re interested in pursuing. Your mentor’s role would be to oversee the progress that you are making, model good practise and offer support at every step.

I had a fantastic mentor in my last school placement, she basically taught me how to teach, (my current mentor doesn’t have time for me).

Noor-ul-Ilm Sister's Conference

[b][color=red]Light of Knowledge[/color][/b]

English - Sr Khadijah Atkinson
Urdu - Alima Faiza Qadri

[b][color=blue]Nasheeds, Tilawat, Stalls & Dhikr[/color][/b]

[b]Venue & Time[/b]
1.30pm - 5pm
Sunday 8th July 2007
Jammiat Islam Masjid, Bodmin Street, Sheffield S9 3TA

[size=18][b]Sister's Conference[/b][/size]

salman rushdie honoured by queen: reaction justified?


Salman Rushdie now is a Sir

Salman Rushdie's name has been included in Queen's Honour List that has given rise to protests and demonstrations in Muslim countries.

This has caused the usual flag burning, marches, madness etc....

is it justified?

should it not be ignored?



going through the list of topics on the forums..... i have to say 95% of topics on on page 1 are boring, pointless, waste of time, garbage, hot air, gossip.............NO REAL TOPICS/DEBATES/DISCUSSIONS.............

whats happened to the forums....?????

yes...forums are to discuss anything n everything...bu c'mon!!!!

or is it just me...?? is my age starting to show:-)

