

In most professions, whilst you’re doing your training, you’re usually assigned to someone who is your mentor.

He/she would usually be someone experienced in the field that you’re interested in pursuing. Your mentor’s role would be to oversee the progress that you are making, model good practise and offer support at every step.

I had a fantastic mentor in my last school placement, she basically taught me how to teach, (my current mentor doesn’t have time for me).

I never quite appreciated how significant this role really is….when I was a young impressionable teenager, I remember looking up to the accomplished, independent, educated, successful career women….they always had a lasting impression on me, when I ‘grew up’ I wanted to be just like them (I also used to look up to the ‘pretty, fashionable, young women’. I always listened to women who dressed well).

I don’t know what it is about people who are older than you, but not quite as old as your parents….Its flattering when they pay attention to you, and you’re more inclined to do as they say.

People who are still young have a lasting impression on the youth…it’s this automatic ‘power’ that they have over the young, dissatisfied, youth that many of us should really take advantage of.

This organisation offers a fantastic mentoring service and the opportunity to get trained up as a mentor.

Many colleges down my end ask for people to spare an hour or two to mentor college kids….I’m sure many facilities are available all over the UK.

Has anyone ever considered it?


Im a mentor )

my uni has this scheme were they train you up and then assign you to a school in brimingham , where you spend 6 hours a week helping less-advantaged school children prepare for their GCSE's , my motivation for doing it was actaully because i thought it would look good on my C.V., but coming from a disadvantaged background myself and knowing the diffrent stressors affecting their lives which i should relate to i really want to help them as much as i can to succeed.

I never actaully had a mentor myself and after i passed my gcse's and i went to college i sort of just fell away from education , involved with bad crowds and up to no good and i think if i did have a mentor in maybe my school or college yrs it would have been a great help, after i got expelled from my first college i went to another college and although i never had a mentor i had a wonderful teacher who acted like a mentor for me aswell and in turn i actaully excelled in education

all in all i think mentoring is a good idea and good way to help the younger generation and more people should mentor