some possible reasons why i left for a while
this isnt a conclusive list, its probably not even a true list,
this isnt a conclusive list, its probably not even a true list,
Allaahumma 'innee 'as'aluka khayrahaa, wa 'a'oothu bika min sharrihaa.
O Allah , I ask You for the good of it and seek refuge in You against its evil.
Abu Dawud 4/326, Ibn Majah 2/1228. See also Al-Albani, Sahih Ibn Mjjah 2/305
Allaahumma 'innee 'as'aluka khayrahaa, wa khayra maa feehaa, wa khayra maa 'ursilat bihi wa a'oothu bika min sharrihaa, wa sharri maa feehaa, wa sharri maa 'ursilat bihi.
sorry about the link, stumbleupon is a bit difficult with sharing links. but this list of sites is SUPER interesting.
coursera - a site of free online courses - answerquestions on different topic - world landmarks, english vocab, languages, maths timetables and donate rice for each right answer.
unplugthetv - instead of watching TV, you should watch.....
TED and lifehacker are also on that list. so's khan academy (actually its the first one on the list)
looks pretty interesting. considering attending it. seems pretty full on and "heavy" so need to evaluate whether i have the time etc..for it.
so i hear delving in the past and gettng hung up isnt good. but im sure reminiscing isnt bad.
so how dyou tell the difference between the two?
Amazing documentary. I havent been following it. just watched this episode about the Cape of Africa (the upmost bottom bit) It's pretty amazing and beautiful.
how the meeting of the two great oceans. The Indian and the Atlantic creates amazing things that repercurate all the way into inland Africa. Mountains 3KILOMETRES high that trap clouds and make the land beyond them into desert.
Monkey beatles?
heard of Pronking?
a king of Kingfish leading a "pack" of usually solitary Kingfishes on a yet unexplained pilgrimage?
currents and underwater sandstorms.
the GOOGLE rainforest?
It's been so long since I blogged!
I'd like to welcome myself back. WELCOME BACK LOOKING TO SEEEEEE!!!!! YAYYY.
okay, so I just had this thought process occur to me, so its all very fresh and confuzzled and might not be expressed in the best-est of ways.
I realised something, but let me take you on my thought process.
I very much like Peter Pan even though I dont think I actually ever read the original book, though I have read and watched many adaptations and spins off etc... (recently I'd been thinking that I need to get my hands on it and read it)
Anyway, I don't know when Peter Pan became so significant in my life, but somehow it did, the idea of never growing up stuck with me. hard. blog to be writtwn later
Theres this man, a step dad. He's horrible to my friend and she's been staying with just him since beginning of july. He had what looked like a miniheart attack recently. I cnt feel sorry for him? Whats wrng with me! Help!
Also, friend texted me saying it wasnt a heart attack n he's coming hme tonight. I dnt knw what to say back. I was thinking if he stayed in hospital she'd get a break frm him.
I wanna say "alhamdulillah" but so far ive got "i see" as a reply to the text.
Hw does one deal with stuff like this?!
i feel slightly like a betrayor. its just there, dont think i'd use it. not now anyway. i like my revvy blogging. though i do wish it was slightly more personal looking.