Forum Topics

Being Mates With Non Muslims


What’s wrong with it?

Editors editorial in the latest issue of the Revival touched on this issue…

He said “When was the last time you invited a non Muslim to your house? When was the last time you tried to explain to a non Muslim about your beliefs and lifestyle? When was the last time you went out of your way to help a non Muslim? When was the last time you gave a non-Muslim an Islamic leaflet, magazine or even the Quran? When was the last time you invited a non Muslim to your mosque or an Islamic event? I hope some of you will say 'I have', but sadly it's not the majority.

Offensive DVD ?


Is this really worth fighting for ?

Muslims sometimes act like morons:

Christian DVD sparks riot

Muslims clash with police outside Egyptian church; 1 dead, 90 wounded

Friday, October 21, 2005

One person died and more than 90 were injured as thousands of Muslims rioted outside a Coptic Christian church Friday to denounce a play deemed offensive to Islam. Police responded by beating protesters and firing tear gas into the crowd, officials said.

Police said 53 protesters were arrested as people hurled stones, smashed windows and tried to storm St. George Church. Protesters also set a police car on fire and wrecked eight other cars, the Interior Ministry said in a statement.

THE Dream


I wanted to know more about seeing the Beloved Nabi Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) in a dream

some people have, some people haven't

how would one go about seeing the beloved Prophet in our dreams? is there certain things you gotta perfect before he enters our dreams? its impossible to be perfect....

any techniques or reccomendations or is it one of them things that just happen?

also, say you do have the opportunity to see him a dream....should it be kept secret or only told to loved ones?
