Forum Topics

Islam and Boxing


Boxing, what a beautiful sport. A sport of warriors and tough nuts, some may call them idiots, some, call them heroes (for some reason).

Im a big fan of boxing, always have been, since the days of Nigel Benn, I followed the career of Prince Naseem Hamid from start to abrupt end. And now, britain has a new boxing "prodigy" by the name of Amir Khan.

Now, Islam teaches us to be peaceful people and not to hurt anybody unnecessarily. Now we all know boxing is a brutal sport.

Expressions of Peace - Islamic Art Exhibition

An exhibition of the Contemporary Islamic arts fused with traditional Arabic Calligraphy, arabesques and geometric patterns

Organiser: Mu'min Designs
Venue: Touchstones Art Gallery
The Esplanade-
Rochdale OL16 1AQ
United Kingdom

Date & Time Saturday, 22nd October - 11th December 05

For Gallery Opening Times, visit

All Welcome - Free Admission

Explaining Islam


When you are asked question about islam, do you give proper, detailed answers?

as an example whenever I get asked about why I have a beard, I reply because. I have found myself not actually giving an answer. I know I could say its compulsory, but i know the next quiestion why don't everyone have it then. and then that will open a can of worms.

So I just shrug my shoulders, and say because. or its easier than shaving everyday... or some other lame excuse.

So do you go out of your way to explain Islam?

Obsession With Hijaab

Hijaab is FARD-this is a black and white issue-no one disputes this fact

but why is the Hijaab the most rinsed out topic?

Hijaab, hijaab, hijaab, hijaab-this topic is beginning to put me to sleep

and its the BOYS who are more concerned about the Hjaab then girls are

they preach it more then women do-God knows why

Hijaab is important

what what about the beard for men? What about guys wearing shorts? What about guys wearing tight trousers?

how would guys like it if all girls went around preaching

"brothers need to grow beards! Grow beards NOW!!"?

Why Gay Marriages are Wrong


Against same-sex marriage

Analysing the arguments against same-sex marriage
Do the arguments against same-sex marriage stand up to examination? Let's tackle some of the most common and see...

Religious people can use all these arguments but have some more to offer:

marriage is defined by scripture and tradition as involving a man and a woman
marriage between one man and one woman is a religious sacrament

Homosexual acts are immoral:
