Forum Topics

The Disease of Envy

Envy is among one of the major diseases of the heart and it is also a great fitnah for the believers - such that ALLAH Most High revealed a Surah as a means of protection against the envier - Surah Falaq.

According to Imam Ibn Taymiyyah rahimahullah hasad (envy) has been defined in numerous ways including:

1. Envy is a grievance that befalls one due to knowledge of the good condition of the wealthy.
2. It is a desire to have the blessings removed from the one who is envied even if the one who is jealous does not attain the likes of these blessings. But this is different from ghubta (also meaning envy) because it refers to a desire to possess the blessings bestowed upon the one who envied without the desire to see them removed from him.

Sami Yusuf Responds!!

Open Letter
From Sami Yusuf to Yvonne Riddley


Dear Yvonne,

Peace and blessings of God be upon you.

Your recent article on ‘Pop Culture in the Name of Islam’ has been brought to my attention. I commend you for voicing your opinion and raising some very important issues – albeit in a very provocative manner. I thought it would be useful to share some of my thoughts with you on this matter.

As a Muslim artist, I regularly seek clarification and advice from world-renowned scholars on art, music, singing and culture.

Ouch! (and other weird/interesting things)

I just got cramp a muscle.

In my jaw. While yawning. (well its not really jaw... next to jaw under the back of the tongue, to the side...)

And its rather painful.

Nothing I can do, but bear it. No idea how to relax a jaw muscle!

Thought you lot may find this interesting.

Oh, and yesterday I played football. Nothing major. apart from the fact that we kicked the ball over a fence. And some car pulled over. Thought the person was gonna kick the ball back. But the theif just picked it up, put it in the car and drove off! end of match.

I did find that amusing in a weird way.

Islam's Battle With Drugs

[quote][size=18]South Asians 'using drugs more'[/size]

Drug use among England's South Asian population has been growing at a faster rate than in the white population over the past five years, according to the government's adviser on mental health and ethnicity, Professor Kamlesh Patel.

He says drug use started off at a much lower base.

Minhaj Ul Qur’an Summer School 2006

Minhaj Ul Qur’an Summer School 2006

24th July – 24th August

Are you looking for something creative to do over the Summer Holidays? Make use of your time: Come and study Qur’an, Hadith, Fiqh and Seerah.

Awards Ceremony and student performance at the end!

Qualified teachers/scholars for boys and girls aged 6-13 in separate classes.

Don’t delay! Come and register your children on the 8th and 9th of July between 1pm-5.30pm.

Creche for Mini Muslims provided.

Mujahideen Walk Over Mines To Save People- Unbelievable!


This article is about the withdrawal from Grozny in 2000 where the Mujahideen were exiting Grozny and helping to evacuate women and children. The Russians had Grozny surrounded and mined and the Mujahideen ran into one of the minefields.

Rather than stay their trapped , volunteers ran foward and threw themselves on the mines while shouting to their comrades , "See you in paradise!".

Amongst the volunteers were two of the top commanders , Lecha Dudayev ans Shamil Basayev.
Commander Dudayev was Shahaeed (inshallah) and Shamil Basayev lost a foot.

In this way they were able to evacuate the women and children out of the hell-hole in Grozny.


Some Quotes from Russian Soldiers about Chechen Civilians

Some quotes from Russian soldiers regarding Chechen civilians:

"I hated them when I fought in Chechnya, and I hate them now. I can't even watch TV when it shows Chechens--I feel all my muscles start to ache and I want to smash something."

[quote][b]"I remember a Chechen female sniper. We just tore her apart with two armored personnel carriers, having tied her ankles with steel cables. There was a lot of blood, but the boys needed it."
"The main thing is to have them die slowly.

Do Not Turn Your Stomachs Into Graveyards


Dad did a barbecue last night and barbecued loads of pieces of beef steaks, chicken, kebabs etc

After I’d eaten to my full I began to think about the amount of meat that is consumed in my household…

On a weekly basis we eat meat, chicken, mince, rice with meat/chicken (biryani), some vegetable with meat/chicken and lentils/kidney beans maybe once or twice a week…its rare for two/three nights to go past without meat being cooked. It’d be impossible for a vegetarian to survive in our household.
