The Disease of Envy
Envy is among one of the major diseases of the heart and it is also a great fitnah for the believers - such that ALLAH Most High revealed a Surah as a means of protection against the envier - Surah Falaq.
According to Imam Ibn Taymiyyah rahimahullah hasad (envy) has been defined in numerous ways including:
1. Envy is a grievance that befalls one due to knowledge of the good condition of the wealthy.
2. It is a desire to have the blessings removed from the one who is envied even if the one who is jealous does not attain the likes of these blessings. But this is different from ghubta (also meaning envy) because it refers to a desire to possess the blessings bestowed upon the one who envied without the desire to see them removed from him.