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Date & Time: Sunday 18th June 2006, 5.00 pm
Place: Hounslow Masjid, Wellington Road South, Hounslow, West London, TW4 5JH

Recent world events have brought the issue of Translational Salafism
very much into the public eye. However, does this phenomenon really
exist and, if so, to what extent is it different from Traditional
Sunni Islam? What impact has it had on Muslim women in particular?

What is an insult to Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam?

We all know that swearing at or abusing or debasing or mocking Sayyidina Rasulullahi salallahu alayhi wa sallam is an insult and cause of loss and sorrow in this life and the hereafter but is that where it ends?

Personally I dont believe so. I was always taught that love for Sayyidina Rasulullahi salallahu alayhi wa sallam is not proved by making utterances by the tongue but rather by actions - a case of actions speak louder than words.

I was taught that observing the sunnah, loving the Sahaabah Karaam, hating those who hate them, loving and guarding the masaajid of ALLAH and honouring the Righteous Ulama are all ways of inculcating love for the Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam and are infact signs of holding love for Him salallahu alayhi wa sallam.

Necrophilia , Torture , Rape of Muslims in Invader Camps

This is why things like Beslan happen:


Kavkaz-Tsentr reports:

More reports about mass atrocities and sadistic torture in the Russian concentration camp of Chernokozovo are being received. Prisoners, having miraculously escaped from the concentration camp, report things no ordinary human brain can imagine. The guards, having lost all human nature, are committing satanic ritual murders of the prisoners.


Assalámu `alaykum wa rahmatulláhi wa barakátuhu.

The Canary Wharf Muslim Association Presents:


by Brother Abu Muntasir (JIMAS)*

Date: Wednesday 14th June 2006
Time: 6.15 pm
Venue: Tower Hamlets College, 114 Poplar High Street,
London, E14 0AF

Praying five times a day is only one part of Salaat.
When we finish our prayers in the Masjid, we are not
done with Salaat. It is not something to do and
finish. It involves every aspect of life, keeping
it within the guidelines of the Divine Code
twenty-four hours a day.

Contemplating on being a 2nd Wife?

[quote][color=darkblue][size=18]Contemplating o­n Being a Second Wife?[/size]

A SECOND WIFE, in fact even a third and a fourth wife, are in exactly the same category as a first wife. The norms of western society, which have been acquired by Muslims, have created in Muslim society similar attitudes of repugnance which westerners display towards a plurality of marriages.

In the Qur’aan Majeed and in the Sunnah there is overwhelming evidence for the perfect permissibility of marrying more than o­ne wife.

Med's Wedding

Well as you folks may or may not remember I'm getting married in december inshaALLAHu Ta'ala.

She's my first cousin.

Alhamdulillah - ALLAH is Most Gracious.

Dunno if ne1s interested but my family are all going in first week of december, then me and my father are going on about 18th.

Have you ever seen Bravery like this?? Allahu Akbar!!!!!!!!!

From the burning ruins of Grozny came what may be a final, heartbreaking message from its Chechen defenders: `At a time when the world has left us entirely, we ask Muslims around the world not to forget the ordeal of their brothers in Chechnya fighting the jihad (holy war) against Russian oppression.'

Look at Grozny and you see a second Warsaw Ghetto.


Discussing the guantanamo situation, I was pretty much shocked by the defense of guantanamo by others.

All I could put it down to was fear.

'Its better them being locked up than allowing to blow up civillians.'

'Why were they in Afghanistan in the first place? you cannot allow such people freedom to blow us up.'

'It does not matter if we can prove their intent. Its better to be careful than have another 7/7'

That is the impression I was getting.

So are many people spooked? what is your impression?
