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Hamza Yusuf, Abdullah bin Bayah, Habib al Jiffri conferences

[b]The Radical Middle Way project presents[/b]

***From Protest to Engagement** *
London, Central Hall, Westminster, SWIH 9NH 14:30-21:30 , Saturday 24th February
and Bradford, St George's Hall, Bridge Street, Bradford, BD1 1JT, 14:00-18:00 Sunday 25th February

with Shaykh Abdallah bin Bayyah, Shaykh Ali Goma (London-only) , Habib Ali al-Jifri, Shaykh Abdal-Hakim Murad, Shaykh Hamza Yusuf (London-only) , Prof. Tariq Ramadan (London-only) , Moez Masoud, Kareem Salama, Hamza Robertson and more.

For more details, visit:

British Soldiers

Just a question.

In Sudan, Arab Muslims are Massacring African muslims.

If British soldiers were ever deployed there as peace keepers what would your position be?

I for one would probably be all for it (depending on T & C's).

Just wondering what others' opinion would be? not bothered? against? why?

My reason would be the soldiers would be preserving life. For those who are nit picky in these things, they would be preserving Muslim life.

Muslim clerics push for flags to be flown on mosques

Muslim clerics push for flags to be flown on mosques
Richard Kerbaj,20867,21239882-601,00.html

SENIOR Muslim leaders have called for the Australian flag to be flown outside the nation's mosques as an expression of the Islamic community's "loyalty" and commitment to this country.
Muslim clerics yesterday urged Australia's 300,000 Muslims to back the idea as a symbol of "integration" and pride.
The former chairman of the Prime Minister's Muslim reference group, Ameer Ali, pushed the Australian Muslim community yesterday to adopt the flag.

I am free! \0/

Today everyone got an email similar to the quote below:

Well done to Admin [That's me]. A customer called back and was very impressed with him. Comments used were:

'...Best call centre experience I have ever had...'

'... Was very helpful, concise clear, courtious...'

'...Should be a role model for all call centre workers...'

... Blah blah...

High praise indeed for an outbound sales call.

Two hours later I got my notice. It was pretty funny.

I had a meeting with HR. 'You have had an instance of absence and 6 instances of lateness in the last 5 months. Are you gonna do anything to rectify this?'

Migrating for the Winter

Does it seem like this winter is a bit... meaner... than most? We're heading down to Mexico for the baptism tomorrow, frankly I can't wait for manageable weather but I was thinking about it today, the entire northern hemisphere appears to be getting buried in ice and is reaching unheard of low temperatures in some weather systems...

Now I've never put much stock in global warming, but I've DEFINITELY been wondering about it in light of that Day After Tomorrow movie... what do you guys think?

A sisters dilemma: Should she propose or not?

A sisters dilemma

The first time u saw him was at a talk
And u watched him as he walked
With his mates to his car
You and he seemed far away
As u drove home the opposite way

You thought about him
The rest of the week
And felt weak
Unable to breath

The second time was near the masjid
He was coming out
And u were going in
Your eyes met
And u looked away
But felt his eyes on u
Taking a long appreciative look

Since then
Your paths have crossed often
An uneasy feeling
You can’t quite imagine
Him proposing and kneeling

The Muslim Power 100 List


The Muslim Power 100 List[/b]

Abdul Jaffer Chairman of Bournemouth Football Club
Abid Mufti CEO United Bank
Lord Adam Patel House of Lords
Dr Ahmed Moustafa Artist and scholar
Ahmad Salam Head of Islamic Finance, Credit Suisse
Ahsan Ellahi Managing Director Real Estate Europe HSBC
Aamer Anwar Aamer Anwar and Co Solicitors
Amin Mawji Partner, Ernst and Young
Amin Tejani Executive Chairman LPC
Lord Amir Bhatia OBE House of Lords
Amir Khan Boxer
Amjad Hussain Director General Logistics (Fleet)
Amjid Ali Head of HSBC Amanah UK, HSBC
Anila Baig Journalist, The Sun
Sir Anwar

The state of British Children

[quote]Charities and opposition politicians have attacked the Government after the UK was ranked [u]bottom[/u] in a Unicef report on child well-being across 21 industrialised countries.

Shadow chancellor George Osborne accused Chancellor Gordon Brown of "failing" a generation of children while the director of Save the Children branded the report "shameful".

But a government spokeswoman hit back, claiming much of the data was out of date and did not reflect recent improvements in the UK.

The spokeswoman said successes included teenage pregnancy being at a 20-year low and a fall in the
