Forum Topics

What would you change about yourself?


I can think of 101 things that, if I changed about myself I’d be a much nicer person.

As Muslims we should always be striving to better ourselves so that we can benefit those who live with us, the wider society and more importantly our own selves…..bad manners/bad behaviour can be self-destructive.

Our pious predecessors would spend years just trying to rectify one negative aspect of their character….they even wrote countless books on this topic….one pious man spent 40years just trying to control his anger.

Me, personally.

Living Abroad

How tempting is living abroad...especially in view of the world situation about islam? I would love to live in either cyprus or southern spain....good weather, good food, generally good way of life.....relaxing!!!!!!!!!....maybe one day inshaallah !!!!!

What about the forum.......where and why?

Invitation to Invention

[quote]How Islamic inventors changed the world

From coffee to cheques and the three-course meal, the Muslim world has given us many innovations that we take for granted in daily life. As a new exhibition opens, Paul Vallely nominates 20 of the most influential- and identifies the men of genius behind them.

1. The story goes that an Arab named Khalid was tending his goats in the Kaffa region of southern Ethiopia, when he noticed his animals became livelier after eating a certain berry.


what is backbiting?

what constitutes backbiting online?

why do girls bitch more than boys

and why do people apply lamo arguments to justify their backbiting i.e. "I could say that to his face" :roll:

what about them people who indirectly backbite people i.e. by praying for their guidence outloud and thus exposing their sins to everyone?

how about when someone asks you something about someone cos they're thinking of going into buisness or marrying that person

and if what u have to say is negative about that person

is that backbiting?

Sexualisation 'harms' young girls

A "Well Duh!!!" article:

[quote][size=18]Sexualisation 'harms' young girls[/size]

The media's portrayal of young women as sex objects harms girls' mental and physical health, US experts warn.

Magazines, television, video games and music videos all have a detrimental effect, a task force from the American Psychological Association reported.

Sexualisation can lead to a lack of confidence with their bodies as well as depression and eating disorders.

Such images also have a negative effect on healthy sexual development in girls, the researchers said.

The task force was set up aft

Multi-faith Schools

Multi-faith Schools

There is an extraordinary proposal to unite Muslim, Jewish, Christian and Hindu children in the country’s first multi-faith secondary school. The plans, backed by leading figures, are aimed at transforming the image of faith-based education which has been criticized in the wake of race riots. They hope that the 1000 pupils’ school planned for the London Borough of Westminster will be the first of a series of similar ventures around the country.

Seeking knowledge through travel

assalmu alaikum w.w.

I'm sure most of you are aware of the hadith that says the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) said "Seek knowledge, even as far away as China."

Well I'm not planning to go THAT far (yet), but i am going to Syria on Wednesday insha'Allah! im very excited now, I'm going with a Syrian brother, and I'm staying family in Aleppo for 5 nights then with some Singaporean students in Damascus for 5 nights.

I was wondering if anyone here has been and can recommend anywhere in particular to visit...

The Radical Middle Way project

The Radical Middle Way project presents

***From Protest to Engagement** *
London, Central Hall, Westminster, SWIH 9NH 14:30-21:30 , Saturday 24th February
and Bradford, St George's Hall, Bridge Street, Bradford, BD1 1JT, 14:00-18:00 Sunday 25th February

with Shaykh Abdallah bin Bayyah, Shaykh Ali Goma (London-only) , Habib Ali al-Jifri, Shaykh Abdal-Hakim Murad, Shaykh Hamza Yusuf (London-only) , Prof.
