Forum Topics

War, Jizya and nonmuslims

"Jaybunny" wrote:

i have a question, hopefully it is appropriate and i am not offending anyone (ojala). so if i may ask why do some muslims believe that the moorish invasion of spain was a noble thing, that muslims are supposed to do and other muslims say it is a bad thing that muslims may not do...

my larger question which i am asking is about violence and islam, one muslim has told me there is no place for aggression in islam. but then a muslim i asked elsewhere said that it is okay and said spain was an example the violence that is part of islam...

Top 10 Dilemmas of the Muslim soldier in the British Army

Top 10 Dilemmas of the Muslim soldier in the British Army
By Showkat Ali

1.Constantly having to prove yourself to your colleagues that your more British and loyal to the Union Jack than you are to Islam and Muslims

2.Agree with your colleagues when they bad mouth Muslims and Islam and not say anything even though u know that they are talking B……T and are ignorant and racist.

3.Not pray or fast in Ramadhan because that would label you a fanatic.

4.Keep quite when Muslim men, women and children are interrogated (abused) Abu Ghraib a

John Reid’s guide to the Tell tale signs that your child has

John Reid’s guide to the Tell tale signs that your child has become radicalised

An article i wrote a few months ago regarding anti-terror arrests back in August which has relevence again today.

The home secretary Mr John Reid is concerned that Muslim youth are getting radicalised by preachers of hate and being groomed to become suicide bombers within Britain.

Police raids target 'terror plot' in UK

[quote][size=18]Police raids target 'terror plot' [/size]

Home Secretary John Reid has been kept informed of developments
Eight people have been arrested under the Terrorism Act in Birmingham after a "significant" operation involving police and security service MI5.
A number of houses in the city have been sealed off after morning raids.

Security sources have told the BBC the alleged plot would not have involved mass casualties but marked "a different approach to terrorism in the UK".


[b]Britain 'must resist extremists'

Muslim extremists are often the "mirror image" of the BNP, seeking out grievances to promote an "us and them" society, says David Cameron.[/b]

To resist extremists of all sides, he said Britain must remove the "five barriers" dividing society.

These are uncontrolled immigration, extremism, multiculturalism, poverty and "educational apartheid", he says.

The Conservative leader also said in a speech people should be inspired, "not bullied", into feeling British.

His speech came as a poll for the centre-right Policy Exchange suggested support for

Younger Muslims 'more political'

Young Muslims are much more likely than their parents to be attracted to political forms of Islam, a think tank survey has suggested.

Support for Sharia law, Islamic schools and wearing the veil is much stronger among younger Muslims, a poll for the centre-right Policy Exchange found.

The report's lead author, Munira Mirza, blamed government policy for a growing split between Muslims and non-Muslims.

She said ministers should engage with Muslims as citizens.
The survey of more than 1,000 Muslims from different age groups in the UK, found:

* 71% of over-55s compared with 6

WP: With Iran ascendant, U.S. seen at fault

[color=red][b]WP: With Iran ascendant, U.S. seen at fault [/b][/color]
[size=6]Arab allies in region feeling pressure
By Anthony Shadid
The Washington Post
Updated: 3:31 a.m. PT Jan 30, 2007[/size]

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates - Kuwait rarely rebuffs its ally, the United States, partly out of gratitude for the 1991 Persian Gulf War. But in October it reneged on a pledge to send three military observers to an American-led naval exercise in the Gulf, according to U.S. officials and Kuwaiti analysts.

"We understood," a State Department official said. "The Kuwaitis were being careful not to antagonize the Iranians."

Jermaine Jackson wants Michael to convert to Islam

[quote]Jermaine Jackson said on Monday he wants his brother Michael to convert to Islam; and he believes the reclusive superstar has given it serious thought.

"Michael, I feel, needs to become a Muslim because I think it's a great protection for him from all the things that he's been attacked with, which are false," said the former Jackson Five singer who now lives in Bahrain.

"There's a strength and protection there," Jackson told BBC Asian Newtwork after finishing runner-up to Bollywood star Shilpa Shetty in the "Celebrity Big Brother" TV reality show that was marred by accusations of

Radical Muslims lose game of Yahtzee, burn Soho

[b][size=18]Radical Muslims lose game of Yahtzee, burn Soho[/size][/b]
David Hamilton
Fractured Facts Tribune


[b]MANHATTAN, New York[/b] -- Governor Pataki has requested the National Guard take to the streets to control rioters after a radical muslim cleric declared "Jihad" on Milton Brothers after loosing a game of Yahtzee.
