John Reid’s guide to the Tell tale signs that your child has

John Reid’s guide to the Tell tale signs that your child has become radicalised

An article i wrote a few months ago regarding anti-terror arrests back in August which has relevence again today.

The home secretary Mr John Reid is concerned that Muslim youth are getting radicalised by preachers of hate and being groomed to become suicide bombers within Britain. Of course British foreign policy has nothing what so ever to do with Muslim youth getting radicalised, and the fact that Islam is the only way of life which is correct, and brings tranquillity to the hearts and minds of people is totally irrelevant..

Here is a guide which contains signs to look for in your children, if you see any of these signs then please be a good citizen and inform the authorities who will subsequently despatch several hundred officers many of them armed with dogs and helicopters to take your child away, assuming of course they have not been shot and killed or wounded already e.g. John Charles De Menezes and Abdul Kahhar in Forest Gate. Please forward and circulate as widely as possible, jzk in advance.


1. Stopped going out Friday nights getting pissed and coming home covered in blood and vomit, instead chooses to stay in and pray tahajjud with some friends some of whom have beards.

2. Stopped wearing hat back to front with f**k u on it now wears a topee and other religious garbs.

3.Stopped disrespecting and shouting at parents, lowers his voice and uses the best manners when speaking with his parents and all people even non-Muslims

4. Stopped eyeing up and making lewd comments at women in the street now he Lowers gaze when he sees women and calls Muslim women using the term ‘sister’.

5. Stopped watching violent gangster and porn films, now he watches Islamic programmes and those which do not contain sex, violence and swearing.

6. Stopped going to bhangra gigs to fight Hindus and Sikhs and pull loose women to abuse, instead spends his evenings with family and friends or at the masjid.

7. Stopped listening to gangster rap and reggae which glorify swearing and disrespecting of women instead listens to Quran and nasheeds which promote the Islamic values.

8. Stopped drinking, drugs and other substance abuse for that elusive ‘high’, now gets spiritually ‘high’ by praying in the masjid and reading Quran, seems happy and jolly most of the time.


1. Stopped wearing tight revealing clothes which used to attract wolf whistles and now wears the hijab and jilbaab

2. Stopped swearing and cussing like a jamiacan bad girl every sentence used to contain the ‘f’ word, now speaks in a respectable manner using words like subhanAllah and inshAllah.

3. Stopped listening to hindi and western songs which promote dating and casual sex now listens to Quran or nasheeds.

4. Stopped treating her mum like a servant now respects her mum and helps with house work and actually takes pride in housework.

5. Changed her mind about doing PhD and establishing herself in her career and getting married at 33 and have 2.2 children, instead wants to get married after finishing university and have lots of children and be a housewife.

6. Stopped dating 3 or 4 men at the same time and wants to get married to someone who’s religious and abides by halal and haram.

7. Stopped going to day time bhangra gigs and getting of with asian ( Hindu and Sikh guys) for casual relationships.

8. Stopped watching Bollywood movies which promote dating and so called love at first sight, instead watches programmes about Islam and the plight of the Muslim ummah.

"Showkat" wrote:
5. Changed her mind about doing PhD and establishing herself in her career and getting married at 33 and have 2.2 children, instead wants to get married after finishing university and have lots of children and be a housewife.

hmmm.....that's the only one I don't fully agree with.

Whew, thank God that these kids are embracing a good wholesome muslim lifestyle and are getting away from all that Western Culture of binge drinking, casual sex, immodest clothing, clubbing and foul language!

I can't even imagine why anyone would desire to live like those western barbarians.