Forum Topics

Taking 'me time' is not a crime


[b]Women spend three years of their life dressing up to go out. Quite right, says Bryony Gordon, getting ready is often better than the event itself[/b]

t's one of the world's great mysteries, as puzzling as the possible existence of intelligent life on other planets and the whereabouts of Lord Lucan. Why exactly does it take women so long to get ready for a night out?

Yesterday, it was revealed that the average female spends three years getting ready to leave the house. That's three years during their whole lifetimes, not just for one dinner party - though many men will feel as if they have, at times, been left waiting that long.

The Miracles Of The Quran In Light Of Science - Harun Yahya

Sorry for the really [i]really[/i] short notice, I just got the email a few minutes ago.

[quote]In the name of Allah; The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful.

The Muslim Society at the University of Greenwich presents....

"THE MIRACLES OF THE QURAN IN LIGHT OF SCIENCE" evening of inspirational talk by Harun Yahya - representative
Date: Friday 30th november
Venue: Queen Anne building QA180
Time: 4.30pm please come early to avoid disapointment
Speaker: Harun Yahya

Entrance: FREE!

However due to the speaker being very high profile and we only have limited spaces, please

Is it haraam to eat Mermaids?


Many of the fuqaha’ mentioned mermaids and differed on the ruling concerning them. Some of them said that they are permissible (to eat) because of the general meaning of the evidence which says that whatever is in the sea is permissible. This is the view of the Shaafa’is and Hanbalis, and is the view of most of the Maalikis and of Ibn Hazm and others. And some of them regarded it as haraam because it is not a kind of fish. This is the view of the Hanafis and of al-Layth ibn Sa’d.

Cyclone Sidr Batters Bangladesh

Last Thursday (15th November 2007), the destructive Cyclone Sidr smashed into Bangladesh and left in its wake an estimated 10,000 dead and hundreds of thousands displaced. Muslim Hands has allocated an initial sum of £100,000 and launched an Emergency Appeal for further funds.

MH Bangladesh Emergency Response Teams in Barguna, Pirojpur, Patuakhali have a long standing history of working in response to such disasters have reported extensive damage and loss of life, particularly along the coastal areas. "The death toll continues to rise hour by hour.

'Muhammad' teddy teacher arrested



A British schoolteacher has been arrested in Sudan accused of insulting Islam's Prophet, after she allowed her pupils to name a teddy bear Muhammad.





An interesting email i received. Argument being made is that if whites say they are proud to be white or have a white organisation like other races then they are called racist etc....

Michael Richards better known as Kramer from tv's Seinfeld, does make a good point.
This was his defense speech in court after making racial comments in his comedy act. He makes some very interesting points.

pls read and have ypur say..

Proud To Be White[/b]

Someone finally said it.
How many are actually paying attention to this?

There are African Americans, Mexican Americans,
Asian Americans, Arab Americans, etc.
And then there are just Americans.

Eid ul-Adha

Asalam Walikum

I know its a bit early but hey what the heck.

Every Eid mum always buys everyone clothes (even if you dont want them or need them she doesnt take no for an answer). Dad use to give us money but now he says im too old which is ok with me coz it means the lil ones get more.

This Eid i was thinking about giving Eid presents to my family. I have never bothered before but this Eid im thinking why not (i must be getting soft in my old age).

A Celebration Of British Muslim Culture

Festival of Islam is a yearly event aimed at highlighting and showcasing the best of British Muslim Culture. This year’s launch event on 26th December (Boxing Day) at the Decorium in Wood Green includes an exclusive exhibition on beliefs, culture and heritage of Muslims. The exhibition will play host to a wide array of local talent from North London, some up and coming stars of the Musilm community alongside some well known artists and guests.
