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Dear friend and well-wisher,
Assalamu alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh

I pray to Allah (swt) that you are enjoying a blessed Ramadhan and that He (swt) grants us all forgiveness.

This Ramadhan make a difference to the education of our children in Britain.

Today British society is struggling with its youth: crime, violence, drugs, alcohol, low aspirations and achievement in education and employment are plaguing our youth. This is true for Muslims and the wider community. Al-hamdulillah, we are helping to eradicate these problems all over the world but our own children and youth need that help here, in Britain, in London, in our own localities.

Polio a "Western Plot"?

Polio a Western Plot?

I read that immunisation through vaccinations are under suspicions by Islamic clerics.

Who has heard of this before?

Some crazy Islamic cleric in Pakistan and one is Nigeria are both saying that the Polio vaccine is a west's attempt to infect muslim children so that when they grow up they won't have babies and this will lessen muslim populations.

Some doctors working for western companies have been kidnapped by cleric's followers.

Whats your views on this report:

Its one crazy story I read today.


Polio re-emerging across the country because families refuse vaccinations on social, religious grounds

Eid in the park

In an effort to create unity and common ground amongst Muslims in the region there are plans for Eid prayers to be held in a public park, Asian Image can reveal.

It is hoped the event, the first of its kind to be held outside of London, will mark a sea change in opinion about where Eid is prayed and when Eid is held.

Organisers are also hoping the move will help to change the image of Muslims amongst the wider community as to how the Eid festival is celebrated.

But there have been reservations from some Muslims as to how the event will be held and what activities are planned for the day. Eid may fall on the same day for many Muslims this year.


well in brief i have to do an investigation followed up by a presentation and a 5,000 word essay about a certain topic but it has to be an investigation i was thinking of "does terrorism really exist in islam?" but i thought it would be a bit naive of me to tackle such a huge subject, any ideas, thoughts? queries? fire ahead.

Ramadan 08 Sale Now On!!!

Assalamu ‘Alaikum,

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Court delays Hari Puttar film release

Court delays Puttar film release

A court in India has postponed the release of a film entitled Hari Puttar, after complaints from the makers of the blockbuster Harry Potter films.

Hollywood company Warner Bros has filed a lawsuit against all parties involved in the production and distribution of the Hari Puttar film.

It has been quoted as saying the the title of the Indian movie is confusing.

Mirchi Movies, the makers of the Bollywood children's film, have denied the accusations.


Innocent coincidence? I think not...
