Dear friend and well-wisher,
Assalamu alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh

I pray to Allah (swt) that you are enjoying a blessed Ramadhan and that He (swt) grants us all forgiveness.

This Ramadhan make a difference to the education of our children in Britain.

Today British society is struggling with its youth: crime, violence, drugs, alcohol, low aspirations and achievement in education and employment are plaguing our youth. This is true for Muslims and the wider community. Al-hamdulillah, we are helping to eradicate these problems all over the world but our own children and youth need that help here, in Britain, in London, in our own localities.

Ebrahim College is striving to preserve the deen for our future generations by creating high calibre Ulama that can have a positive and lasting impact on our community.

Ebrahim College is an Islamic College based in London that incorporates 6th form and a traditional madrasah, that allows our future leaders to study mainstream AS/A-Levels alongside the traditional Alim course. The College is currently in talks with a well known British University for the validation of a BA in Islamic Sciences and Society – allowing our future Ulama to graduate with recognised qualifications.


The College supports its students by charging them only half of the actual cost of their education, which leaves the college with a huge financial burden, one that cannot be sustained. Without this support our students would simply not be able to continue to study at Ebrahim College. Share the reward of every verse and hadith they study by making a donation.

Today you have the opportunity to make a difference to young Muslims in Britain.

When one gives towards Allah’s cause, Allah (swt) guarantees to pay us back more than what we originally gave:

Who is he that will lend to Allâh a goodly loan so that He may multiply it to him many times? And it is Allâh that decreases or increases (your provisions), and unto Him you shall return. Qur’an

(Al-Baqara, 245)

We appeal to you in the month of charity to support the future Ulama and leaders of our community by donating at least £100 this Ramadhan and to encourage other friends and family to do the same.

Any form of donation or help that you extend to further the cause of Islamic education will be sadaqah jariah for you, which will benefit you continuously, even after you have left this world, insha-Allah.

Please click here to donate securely online http://www.justgiving.com/ebrahim/donate. To find out about other ways of donating please click here http://www.ebrahimcollege.org.uk/pages/about/donation_methods.php?id=c3V....

We also have a live TV fundraising programme on Channel S (Sky 814) on Sunday 21st Sept between 5pm and 4.30am. Please tune in and announce/ make your donation live to encourage thousands of other viewers. To get through to the studio call 020 8523 4111; to make a donation on the day call 020 8523 1666.

May Allah SWT reward you abundantly and may you have a blessed Ramadhan and Eid.

Mohammad Mushfique Uddin
Chief Executive
Ebrahim College
80 Greenfield Road , London, E1 1EJ
TEL: 020 7377 6677
UK registered charity - 1108141

P.S. As a student of Ebrahim College, I personally ask every muslim to take as much as they can out of their pockets in this blessed month of Ramadan and donate it to Ebrahim College. If you are not able to, at least remember Ebrahim College in your du`aa's. May Allaah reward all of you with good and make you benefit from this blessed month, ash-shahr-ul-qur'aan, Ameen.