Forum Topics

Sarah Palin


I want to know why people get upset when we say
the same thing which they themselves are saying.

Its quite odd.

For example:

Sarah Palin is often referred to as a pitbull.

Palin herself said she is a pitbull in lipstick.

Although Senator Barack Obama called Palin a white pig in lipstick.

That was clearly racist of the Senator.

Anyway, Palin likes to be known as a pitbull.

Now, pitbull is a dog.

Yes. A dog. A bad dog.

And I am sure that being a women, Palin did not have a male dog in mind.

Clearly, she meant a female dog.

So, if also say that Palin is a bitch in lipstick, why do Republicans get upset?

I was debating with some Republican voters in London's Hide Park

When I made those remarks, they became angry.

DR Congo frees goats from prison

DR Congo frees goats from prison

A minister in the Democratic Republic of Congo has ordered a Kinshasa jail to release a dozen goats, which he said were being held there illegally.

Deputy Justice Minister Claude Nyamugabo said he found the goats just in time during a routine jail visit.

The beasts were due to appear in court, charged with being sold illegally by the roadside.


Is Weed REALLY haraam?


My thought process:

1. The qur'an does not explicitly mention weed.
2. Weed does not "intoxicate" in the same manner as alcohol. (Or so I am told.) While one dulls the sense, the other makes you feel at peace and makes you ponder. about thing like the colour of the wall and maybe more.
3. In the current age of science, we know that most substances have an effect on the brain. All food, sugar, drinks, tea/coffee and other things containing substances such as caffiene.

So, I weed REALLY haraam?

British Muslims Plotted Terrorism

Liquid bomb plot

How the plot began - and how it was smashed:

This case shows how over-zealous police can imagine all sorts of fictional stuff if they are given free reign.

These men were panning to blow up London but they
were wrongly accused of trying to blow up seven American airplanes all at once killing 3000 passengers.

Nevertheless, they are British born and bred muslim terrorists.

We should be united in condemning their plans.

The three men Abdulla Ahmed Ali, Assad Sarwar and Tanvir Hussain were planning to kill people in London in 2006.

These men are a disgrace to the muslim community.

After following this case, my faith in our courts is restored.

The jury did not buy everything claimed by the police.

Muslim Women


I posted this on Channel 4 Forums and then all hell broke lose:

Islam on C4:

constantius chlorus asked:

Why not allow a Muslim woman to have sex with four men?

I replied:

Perhaps if they were like other women, they too wish for such an act?

Muslim women are in no way like any other women.

Go and see.



Perception about Shari'ah compliant banks

a) Do you feel you understand the difference between Islamic and conventional banks?
b) Do you feel Islamic products are more costly compared to interest bearing products?
c) Do you think Islamic banking product should be used even if they are more costly?
d) Do you think Bank promote Islamic values (honesty, commitment) and reflects on mission which is social welfare and ethical, religious goals
e) Do you think that Islamic banks value their customers needs better than their conventional competitors
f) Do you think that the objectives of Islamic banks is to only increase profit
g) How effective islamic bank marketing....Do you think that Islamic bank use sufficient Qur'an and Hadith sources to market their products

Muslims in Jail

o.k People,
i was listening to a programme on Radio Ramadhan yesterday, and it was an interview with two prison chaplains. they were talking about the increase in young muslims in prison and the causes of that. but all the time they had a sympathetic attitude to the actual prisoners and were blaming all the rest of society.
Now i was kinda confused, coz aint it that every human has freewill, so they can choose right and wrong, so if you choose wrong you face the consequences, right? :doubt:
