Forum Topics

President Musharraf of Pakistan Resigns

And I would call this a bad day for Pakistan. The vultures won.

IMO He was the one person in the whole system who had some selfless notions and was not in it just for himself.

Yes, he made mistakes, bad judgements, but he was not a crook nor a leech.

The corrupt politicians are back in charge and will continue with their corrupt ways.

Israel behind Georgia War

Ya Ali Madaad!!

Israel is causing chaos once again. Read the links below.

Wherever Israel is involved we see there is war and destruction. This is not just made up. Its true. But western media is very clever in hiding Israeli links to war in Georgia. Israel does not like the fact that there are Muslims in Georgia. It wants them out. For years it has been training Christian Georgians to take on the Muslims. Georgia is very close to Iran. Israel thought it can establish itself there for any future confrontation with Tehran.

Israeli general have been milking Georgia of millions and millions of dollars. They are very greedy as we all know them to be.

Shab-e-Baraat.. 16th August.. Ibaadat at Jamia Islamia Urdu Teaching Centre, Rushby Street, Sheffield

Shab-e-Baraat Inshallah, Ibaadat at Jamia Islamia Urdu Teaching Centre, Rushby Street, Sheffield.
Saturday 16th August, from 9pm till 1am
Seperate Arrangements for Men and Women
All Welcome

FREE PUBLIC SEMINAR from Tayyibun Institute: 'The Forbidden Gaze 2'- Ustadh Murtaza Khan & Ustadh Abu Abdillah 15/08/08

Assalaamu Alaikum Warahmatullah,

[B][SIZE=30]The Forbidden Gaze Seminar 2 [/SIZE]
Evils of Free-mixing/Intermingling, The Etiquettes of Hijab & The Status of Niqab in Islaam[/B]


[B]Speakers:[/B] [I]Ustadh Abu Hasnayn Murtaza Khan (Tayyibun Institute)[/I] &
[I]Ustadh Abu Abdillah (Medinah Islaamic University KSA)[/I]

[B]Date:[/B] Friday 15th August 2008
[B]Time:[/B] 5p- 8pm

Tayyibun Tarbiyyah Centre
25 Hessel Street (Off Commercial Road)
London E1 2LR
Tube: Whitechapel/ Aldgate East
Map: [url]
Free Admission- Donations Welcome.

TWO FREE COURSES from Tayyibun Institute: Shaykh Salim al Amry (UAE) & Ustadh Abu Abdillah (Madinah KSA) 17-19/08/08

Assalaamu Alaikum Warahmatullah,

[b]The Biographical Life and Times of The Two Greats[/size][/b]
[b]Shaykh ul Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah & Imaam of Ahlus Sunnah Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal[/b]

[b]Lecturer:[/b] [i]Ustadh Abu Abdillah (Medinah Islaamic University KSA)[/i]
[b]Date:[/b] Sunday 17th August 2008 (one day course)
[b]Time:[/b] 11am- 4pm

[b][size=20]Beneficial Statements concerning the Evidences of Tawheed[/size]
Al Qawl al Mufeed fee adillatit-Tawheed[/b]

[b]Lecturer: [/b][i]Shaykh Salim al-Amry (UAE)[/i]
[b]Dates:[/b] Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th August 2008 (two day course)

Prisoners of Faith Annual Event: Imam Shakeel Begg & Br. Moazzam Begg 30/08/08- FREE

[size=20][b]Prisoners of Faith[/size]
Annual Event[/b]


[i] [b]Br. Moazzam Begg[/b] [/i]
(Ex-Detainee of Guantanamo Bay, CagePrisoners)

[i] [b]Imam Shakeel Begg[/b] [/i]
Lewisham & Kent Islamic Centre

Saturday 30th August

Phoenix Hall,
Walpole Road (Off Woolwich New Road)
London SE18 6TP

All Welcome
In conjunction with the Muslim Prisoner Support Group (MPSG) and Woolwich Dawah Forum[/b]

For further information contact:
07949 178942 or 07901 958604

CagePrisoners: Another Ramadan - Iftar & Fundraising Dinner (07/09/08)

[size=20]Another Ramadan 2008 - Iftar and Fundraising Dinner[/size][/b]


Sunday 7th September 2008

Wandsworth Town Hall
Wandsworth, London, SW18 2PU
(Nearest station - Wandsworth Town)

Imprisonment without charge or trial is one of the greatest injustices facing Muslims today. Help Cageprisoners, during this blessed month, 'when the doors to Paradise are open' to open the doors of justice for those wrongfully imprisoned.

[b]Speakers: [/b]

Imam Anwar al-Awlaki (via video conference)

Dawra Sahih Muslim & Bukhari - Birmingham

Minhaj-ul-International UK Proudly Presents

Dawra Sahih al-Bukhari wa Muslim
(Instructions in Sahîh al-Bukhâri and Muslim)


Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr. Muhammad Tahir ul Qadri

Accompanied With Live On-Screen English Translation

Dates: 23rd – 25th August, 2008

Registration Sat 23 Aug 10:00 am
Session 1 Sat 23 Aug 12:00 pm
Session 2 Sat 23 Aug 08:00 pm
Session 3 Sun 24 Aug 11:00 am
Session 4 Sun 24 Aug 08:00 pm
Session 5 Mon 25 Aug 11:00 am

Venue: Jamia Masjid Ghamkol Sharif, 150 Goldern Hillock Road, Small Heath, Birmingham, B10 0DX

Tel: 0121 773 7277

OR contact:

Minhaj-ul-Qur’an International Birmingham
14 Naseby Road
Alum Rock
B8 3HE

Tel: 0121 326 6537

M: 07866 854 524 | M: 07958 520 242

Bash him or not???

For me this is a really bugging i seek the help of the forum.

Had I been how I was when I was younger, then I wouldn't ask what to do !

However, there is this young guy in my area where I am from. Since he started hanging around local drug dealers.....he has started getting an attitude........real bad .......not only to me but many elder men !!!!! When he was younger he treated people with respect, but for some reason he has become mouthy of late. He has gained a reputation around my area as being a "joker" and that is putting it mildly. The issue for me is that the other day, he started giving the eye ball for no reason whatsoever........................................and this has really infuriated me.........

Unable To Access (resolved?)

Cant seem to access therevival website from home at all. Ive been trying since the weekend but it keeps saying 'Unable to Access' or something like 'The connection reset'. I can access any other website but just not the revival. Im currently at work so obviously the websites not down or anything.
Ive tried it with different browsers (Firefox (my normal browser) and IE) same problem. I then thought it might be problem with my computer, ran a full spyware and anti-virus scane. Still cant access. I then tried a different computer in the house, and that couldnt access the revival website either. Ive tried switching the firewall on and off, but no effect.
Im gonna try bipassing the router when i get home today to see if its something to do with that.
