Prisoners of Faith Annual Event: Imam Shakeel Begg & Br. Moazzam Begg 30/08/08- FREE

[size=20][b]Prisoners of Faith[/size]
Annual Event[/b]


[i] [b]Br. Moazzam Begg[/b] [/i]
(Ex-Detainee of Guantanamo Bay, CagePrisoners)

[i] [b]Imam Shakeel Begg[/b] [/i]
Lewisham & Kent Islamic Centre

Saturday 30th August

Phoenix Hall,
Walpole Road (Off Woolwich New Road)
London SE18 6TP

All Welcome
In conjunction with the Muslim Prisoner Support Group (MPSG) and Woolwich Dawah Forum[/b]

For further information contact:
07949 178942 or 07901 958604

[i]Abu Musa (ra) reported Allaah’s Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) said: “A Believer is like a brick for another Believer, one supporting the other.” (Saheeh Muslim)[/i]