Forum Topics

Woman to lead UK Muslim prayers

Woman to lead UK Muslim prayers

Muslim scholar Professor Amina Wadud is to give the sermon - or khutbah - at the start of a conference on Islam and feminism at Wolfson College in Oxford.

The move has provoked opposition as the tradition is that imams - always men - hold mixed services. Some believe it is against Islam for a woman to do so.

But organisers heralded it as a "leap forward" for "theological destiny".

Chairman of the Muslim Educational Centre Oxford (MECO) Dr Taj Hargey, who is organising Friday's conference, argued that the prayer service would be a step in the right direction.

"We believe Islam is a gender-equal religion," he said.

The Plight of Dr Aafia Siddiqui- CagePrisoners 19/10/08 FREE

[b]CagePrisoners presents:
[size=18]The Plight of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui [/size][/b]


Sunday 19th October
2.00 pm

[b]Br. Moazzam Begg [/b]
Author and Ex-Detainee of Guantanamo Bay, CagePrisoners
[b]Sis. Yvonne Ridley (TBC) [/b]
Acclaimed journalist and Activist
[b]Ust. Murtaza Khan [/b]
Lecturer and Teacher, Tayyibun Institute
[b]Dr. Umar Butt [/b]
Innocent victim of the War on ‘Terror’

Dallow Learning Community Centre
234 Dallow Road
Beds LU1 1TB
Jct 11 off M1 & Leagrave Train St

For further information:

The Sacred Trusts - Special Family Offer!!!

Assalamu 'Alaikum,

Welcome to islamicbookclub brother and sisters hope you are well. We would like to inform you of our Special Family Offer that we currently have on which is that if you buy THE SACRED TRUSTS for only £95 (£99 rrp) you will get MORE THAN £65 WORTH of Books, CD's and Tapes for absolutely FREE!!! The following items you will receive for FREE:

1) Natural Healing with the Medicine of the Prophet BOOK (£16.95 rrp)
2) Ibn Seerin's Dictionary of Dreams BOOK (£19.95 rrp)
3) What every Muslim should know about ISLAM CD (£5.00 rrp)
4) Come To Pray: A Beginners Guide CD (£5.00 rrp)
5) Beautiful Qur'an Recitations Tapes (£19.99 rrp)

Have a look at the details of this special offer by clicking here:

Question Time: With Boris Johnson

Question Time: With Boris Johnson

This is an excellent opportunity for young Muslims to present any issues, concerns, questions or opinions directly to Boris Johnson, the mayor of London.

Open to brothers and sisters.

Sunday 19th October 2008
Time: 5:30pm

Venue: Minhaj ul Qur’an, 292-296 Romford Road, Forest Gate, London, E7 9HD

For further information, contact Ishtiaq Ahmed on 07956 950 296

An inspector calls


we've just completed an inspector calles by j.b priestly for our GCSE's, and it is the most suspensefull book i have ever read in my life! however i dont fully understand the ending. if anyonw has read or studied it, would u care to explain. and other comments on the book.

Celibacy Key to Long Life


A BRITISH virgin who celebrated her 105th birthday this week said the secret to long life was celibacy, adding that she imagined sex was a "lot of hassle".
Clara Meadmore, who marked her birthday with a drop of wine at the Perran Bay nursing home in Cornwall, south-west England, also received a card from Queen Elizabeth II.

"People have asked me whether I am a homosexual and the answer is no," Ms Meadmore said.

"I have just never been interested in sex.

"I imagine there is a lot of hassle involved and I have always been busy doing other things."

Born in Glasgow, Scotland, in 1903, Meadmore lived in Canada and New Zealand as a child before returning to Britain in her 20s to work as a secretary and housekeeper.

Tayyibun Institute NEW 3 Month Structured Courses (Oct 08- Jan 09): Arabic, Qur'an & Islamic Studies

Assalaamu Alaikum Warahmatullah,

Three Months Structured Part-Time Courses (October 08 - January 09)[/SIZE][/B]
[B]Arabic language, Qur'anic, Aqeedah, Fiqh and Seerah studies[/B]
New revised courses, levels, teachers and facilities
Now with FREE creche service[/B]


- Arabic Language (Levels 1 to 3)
- Al Aajaroomiyyah (Arabic Grammar)
- Spoken Arabic
- First Step to Qur'an (Beginners)
- Tajweed ul Qur'an (Levels 1 to 2 Advanced/ 3 Tarteel)
- Hifdh ul Qur'an: Juzz 'Amma/ Tabarak (Memorisation)
- 'Uloom ul Qur'an (Science of Qur'an)
