Forum Topics

Is being cruel to be kind bad manners?

As'salaamu 'alaykum,

Mukhlid ibn al-Husain (ra) once said,
'We are more in need of acquiring adab than learning Hadith'

Having adab encompases all the good traits and character that we, as muslims, must develop and kindle within ourselves and within our lives. Everything from eating, to greeting and interacting with others.

So, we are asked not to be undeservedly harsh with others, and develop a character of mercy and kindness. Should we always use a gentle approach? But when is a soft approach required with others? When is (or should) a hard approach required? Do not some situations require you to be hard? Is being hard on others indicative of (our) lack of adab?

Hijama Therapist for Sisters Only

Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu,

I offer hijama therapy to sisters in the privacy of their homes, or if preferred in my home. Alhamdulillah I have completed training and have an authenticated certificate of completion from 'Ibn Sina For Cupping', Madina, Saudi Arabia.

Alhamdulillah there is a Sunnah day for wet cupping this Islamic month:

Monday 19th Dhul Qi'dah ذو القعدة = Monday 17th November

Cupping can still be performed on the Tuesday and Thursday that are close to this lunar date (19th Dhul Qi'dah), although the lunar date is more beneficial inshaAllaah. (And of course, the cupping can be performed on any Monday, Tuesday or Thursday of the month inshaAllaah.)

Charity event for Amina Trust - Sufi Singles event Sunday 16th Nov London

salams the the dates have changed

Charity event for Amina Trust - Sufi Singles event Sunday 16th Nov London

Marry Muslims - Creating Sufi Single Muslim Events in the UK-

0753- 5654-125
Please forward this to all your friends that are single thank you
Sisters will be given a 50% discount -see event link.
Students and those currently out of work will also be given a discount -see event link.

Banner poster

Seerah Conference: Shaykh Abdul Raheem Limbada, Mufti Abdul Rahaman ibn Yusuf, Shaykh Rafiq Sufi

Selwyn Rd Mosque, London, E13 0PY
Sat 8th Nov, 4.20pm (Maghrib)

Shaykh Abdur Raheem ibn Dawood Limbada(Shaykhul-hadith, Darul-Uloom Bury)
Mufti Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera (Author of Fiqh al-Imam)
Shaykh Rafiq Sufi (Lecturer of hadith, Darul-Uloom Blackburn)

Nasheeds by Labbayk
Attendees receive goodie bags with over £10 worth of goodies in each!

Contact: 07806613085


Sunni/Sufi Singles practising professional Marriage Event –London 16th & Sunday 23rd Nov -6.30pm

Sunni/Sufi Singles practising professional Marriage Event –London 16th & Sunday 23rd Nov -6.30pm

Sunni/Sufi Singles Marriage Event

Salaams if you are married then please forward it to your friends that are single, marriage is establishing half Deen so help someone establish half of their deen.

Marry Muslims - Creating Sufi/Sunni Single Muslim Events in the UK-

Our services include:
* Access to public database of all potential profiles.- see
* Access to private practising profiles ( sunni/sufi).
* Private consultations – including arranging private events.
* Naseeha- ‘sincere advice and guidance’, about what makes a marriage work.

Tafsir of Surah Fathiah one day intensive course from Utrujj

Tafseer of Surah Al Fatihah
15th November
10 am to 6pm
Birckbeck University, Central London
Taught by Shaykh Haytham Tamim
Cost £29 employed, £19 uneemployed

website -
tel no 0845 644 0619

'We have given you the seven oft-recited verses and the whole glorious Qur'an'
(Surah Al Hijr: 87)

FREE COURSE from Tayyibun Institute: 'Hajj Preparation 2008'- Dr. Khalid Khan 09/11/08

Assalaamu Alaikum Warahmatullah,
[SIZE=15]Hajj Preparation Course '08[/SIZE]
Prepare yourself for the journey of a lifetime.....[/B]


[I][B]A single day course preparing you and your family for that special journey of Hajj delivered by Dr. Khalid Khan (Islam Q & A)[/B][/I]

[B]Lecturer: [/B]Ustadh Dr. Khalid Khan (Islam Q&A)
[B]Date:[/B] Sunday 9th November 2008 (one day course)
[B]Timing:[/B] 2pm- 6pm
Tayyibun Tarbiyyah Centre
25 Hessel Street (Off Commercial Road)
London E1 2LR
Tube: Whitechapel/ Aldgate East
Bus: D3, 25, 106, 15, 115, 205, 254
