Forum Topics

The pending scramble for water

The pending scramble for water

ANALYSIS by Dominic Waughray, Senior director, head of environmental initiatives, World Economic Forum, Geneva

In 2008, Saudi Arabia ceased to be self sufficient in wheat production.

It is looking to access land overseas to grow crops, possibly in Pakistan or the Horn of Africa.

China is acquiring agricultural land in Southern Africa for similar purposes.

And Daewoo Logistic is looking to lease land in Madagascar, to grow food for South Korea.

Other countries in South Asia and the Gulf are considering similar moves.

Scale of problem

None of these countries needs the land for the sake of territorial expansion.

No fate, but what we make.

If there was such a thing as fate or destiny. And through some random happen-stance you had the opportunity to know your future. What would happen, how your life will be like etc.

Would you:

a) like to know what the future has install for you?


b) Would you reject the opportunity and just have life unfold by itself.

and most importantly why?


**Sabeel Course - Principles of Understanding**

Sabeel Course - Principles of Understanding
(A Study of Manhaj al-Istidlal) - Two Day Course

A Two Day Course Studying the Methodology and Principles Used in Deriving Rulings from the Sacred Texts.


Register now

Dates: Saturday 21st - Sunday 22nd February 2009 (8.30am - 7.30pm)

Delivered by:
Sheikh Haitham al-Haddad
Abu Talha
Wasim Kempson

Intensive Interactive Study Course
Q&A sessions

Price: £50 (Includes Lunch, refreshments & course notes)

Al-Muntada Al-Islami Trust
7 Bridges Place
Parsons Green

Am I an 'Infidel'?

Someone just informed me that according to Islam - I'm an infidel! I'm not an Muslim, but am wanting answers!

Could someone please define for me (with Surah ref's) what an Infidel is?

I'm a little worried, because I was told that - being an infidel - if a Muslim killed me, then that person would be given a place in heaven... which sounds like a pretty big incentive!

Please could someone set my mind at rest!


Orphan Chimpanzees Cleverer Than Humans

Orphaned chimpanzee infants given special ‘mothering’ by humans are more advanced than the average child at nine months of age.

In the first study to examine the effect of different types of care for infant chimpanzees on cognition, researchers found chimpanzees who were given extra emotionally-based care were more cognitively advanced than human infants.

Humans overtake chimpanzees in development terms as they grow older but the study sends stark warnings that looking after just an infant’s physical needs is likely to result in a child who is maladjusted, unhappy and under-achieving.

he study was carried out by psychology expert Professor Kim Bard, of the Centre for the Study of Emotion at the University of Portsmouth.

Human-Animal Hybrids Fail

Study questions usefulness of animal-human embryos

It may be futile to try producing stem cells by putting human DNA into cow or rabbit eggs and making hybrid cloned embryos, a strategy that triggered controversy recently in Britain, a new study says. The animal eggs don't reprogram human DNA in the right way to generate stem cells, researchers report.

"Instead of turning on the right genes, it turns out the animal eggs actually turn them off," said senior study author Dr. Robert Lanza of Advanced Cell Technology in Worcester, Mass.

Another scientist disputed that conclusion.

Beards (and the veil)

What does everyone think of them?

I was just browsing another forum (I give a plea of temporary insanity. not.) and there was a topic on this where he original poster was pushing the line that beards were fardh.

Leaving aside the fiqh issue (because that would require a scholarly opinion and there are many different ones out there), what do you think of beards? WHat do you think of the focus on womens clothing when having a beard for a guy may (or may not) be just as important?

Good bad or ugly?

Unity Foundation: Adult Madassa (Monthly Classes) in Preston, Lancashire

“In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful”

Salaam Brothers & Sisters,

Unity Foundation are excited to announce the start of our Adult Madassa. (Poster attached)

The classes are to take place, insha'Allah on a monthly basis.

Shaykh Ibrahim Osi-Efa** (Liverpool) will insha'Allah teach the renowned 'Book of Numbers – Holding Fast to the Firm Reality', by Al Imam Muhammad b. Umar Bahraq al Harami as part of the Greensville Trust Outreach program.

The monthly Madrassa will take place on Friday evening at the University of Central Lancashire, Preston*(Map attached). Experienced students of knowledge & new students alike are welcome to participate in a program that is anticipated to be very special!

Fatah, Hamas trade accusations

Fatah, Hamas trade accusations

RAMALLAH, occuiped West Bank (IPS) - Reconciliation between rival Palestinian factions Hamas and Fatah is looking increasingly problematic as the two groups exchange serious accusations of treason, torture and extrajudicial killings.

Tension between the two groups has escalated in the wake of Israel's 22-day military assault on Gaza, code-named Operation Cast Lead, which left more than 1,300 Palestinians dead, nearly 5,000 wounded, and the coastal territory's infrastructure decimated.

Fatah, affiliated with the ruling Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, accuses Hamas of killing, torturing and beating up a number of Fatah activists in Gaza.
