Forum Topics

Weekly Abridged Bukhari lessons-shk Riyad ul Haq

Shk Riyad Ul Haq delivers weekly Bukhari lessons, every Friday 8.15pm Al Kawthar Academy, Leicester. Separate facilities for sisters&brothers. Live broadcast from website if you cannot attend.

For further details see website :

Currently on Book of Hajj, I attend it's the most beneficial gathering I've attended so far.

politician refused entry into the UK


A right-wing Dutch politician banned from entering the UK over his anti-Islam views has been turned away after arriving at Heathrow Airport.

Geert Wilders was invited to Westminster by a member of the House of Lords to show his 17-minute film Fitna, which criticises the Koran as a "fascist book".

But on Tuesday he received a letter from the Home Office refusing him entry because his opinions "would threaten community security and therefore public security" in the UK.

Mr Wilders, a member of the Freedom Party in the Netherlands, condemned the British Government as "weak and cowardly" and vowed he would make the trip anyway.

Special Duaa For Deceased On Thursdays

Salaam Alaykum,

I was just wondering if anyone does duaa for the deceased every thursday? and if you know why thursday is such an important day? i have been told it is because the night before Jumaah is very special and also something to do with the spirits of the deceased coming down or something? (not sure about the second one)
Can anyone tell me more? give Qur'an/hadith references?

Thank you,

Aid Convoy leaving London for Gaza saturday 14th feb 2009

George Galloway MP, Yvonne Ridley and hundreds of British volunteers are driving an aid convoy of over 100 donated vehicles packed with practical aid to Gaza leaving from outside the Houses of Parliament, London on Saturday the 14th February.

for more info


I would like to state that the word 'mixing' in the area of the relationship between men and women is a new word that has entered into our Muslim dictionary. It was never known to our long heritage for the past centuries, and was not known except in this period.


[calcutta] Pair held for 'offending Islam'

Pair held for 'offending Islam'

The editor and publisher of a top English-language Indian daily have been arrested on charges of "hurting the religious feelings" of Muslims.

The Statesman's editor Ravindra Kumar and publisher Anand Sinha were detained in Calcutta after complaints.

Muslims said they were upset with the Statesman for reproducing an article from the UK's Independent daily in its 5 February edition.

The article was entitled: "Why should I respect these oppressive religions?"

It concerns the erosion of the right to criticise religions.

FREE COURSE from Tayyibun Institute: 'The Fiqh of Menstruation'- Shaykh Haitham al-Haddad 22/02/09

Assalaamu Alaikum Warahmatullah,
[SIZE=18]The Fiqh of Menstruation Course[/SIZE][/B]


[I][B]A single day course covering the essential knowledge and fiqh rulings of menstruation that every Muslim woman should know.[/B][/I]

[B]Course Instructor: [/B]Shaykh Haitham Jawwad al-Haddad
[B]Date:[/B] Sunday 22nd February 2009 (one day course)
[B]Timing:[/B] 2.00- 6.00pm
Tayyibun Tarbiyyah Centre
25 Hessel Street (Off Commercial Road)
London E1 2LR

Tube: Whitechapel/ Aldgate East
Bus: D3, 25, 106, 15, 115, 205, 254

Maternal Capacity

There used to be a couple of parents on here (not so many anymore), but maybe you've got experiences i dunno.

Whats your experience of babys or kids in general?

Any tricks you find that work? i.e. to get them to stop crying.

What do you think they should be tought... and at what age?

conversation between a student and his proffesor

An atheist professor of philosophy speaks to his class on the problem
> >science has with God, The Almighty.
> >He asks one of his new students to stand and.....
> >Prof:
> >So you believe in God?
> >Student:
> >Absolutely, sir.
> >Prof
> >: Is God good?
> >Student:
> >Sure.
> >Prof:
> >Is God all-powerful?
> >Student
> >: Yes.
> >Prof:
> >My brother died of cancer even though he prayed to God to heal him.
> >Most of us would attempt to help others who are ill. But God didn't. How is
> >this God good then? Hmm?
> >(Student is silent.)
> >Prof:
> >You can't answer, can you? Let's start again, young fella. Is God good?
> >Student:
> >Yes.
> >Prof:
> >Is Satan good?
> >Student
> >: No.
> >Prof:
> >Where does Satan come from?
> >Student:
> >From...God...
