Forum Topics

Rubicon drinks-haram?


the latest text doing the rounds is that rubicon drinks are haram coz it contains alcohol- o.o5%

i went on their site and found this:

Are Rubicon Exotic Juice Drinks suitable for Halal consumption?

Questions about soft drinks containing ethyl alcohol have been raised a number of times by concerned Muslims over the past few years. In these cases the Muslim Law (Shariah) Council in the UK have confirmed that the composition and procedure involved in the production of these soft drinks is in compliance with the rules of Shariah and therefore Halal for Muslims to consume.

Irfanul Quran Course ( 6 Month crash course) in Manchester

Irfanul-Quran Course â–¼

As-salâmu `alaykum dear all

These are two courses which have been organised by the Muslim Youth League (MYL UK) and are aimed at English speaking brothers and sisters.

For further information contact Brother Zaigham on 07856 68 80 02. You can also visit for details.

'Irfan-ul-Qur'an Course - A 6 month crash course on various aspects of the Qur'an

“The most superior among you are those who learn the Qur'an and teach it” (Hadith)

Beginning Friday 30th January 2009, Every Friday 8-10pm
Taught by Shaykh M Ramadan Qadri (DIRECT student of Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri)
Fee: £10 per month (includes free enrolement on the Arabic course below)

Serious students will gain :

Cows find milky way to happiness

Cows find milky way to happiness

Happy cows produce more milk, according to researchers at Newcastle University.

Cattle that are named and treated with a "more personal touch" can increase milk yields by up to 500 pints a year.

The study, by the university's School of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, involved 516 farmers across the UK.

Published in the journal Anthrozoos, the study found farmers who named their cows gained a higher yield than the 54% that did not give their cattle names.

Dairy farmer Dennis Gibb, who co-owns Eachwick Red House Farm outside Newcastle with his brother Richard, said he believed treating every cow as an individual was "vitally important".

'Own personality'

Iranian leader demands US apology

Iranian leader demands US apology

Iran's president has responded to an overture by the new US president by demanding an apology for past US "crimes" committed against Iran.

The US "stood against the Iranian people in the past 60 years," Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said during an address in the western region of Khermenshah.

"Those who speak of change must apologise to the Iranian people and try to repair their past crimes," he said.

President Obama has offered to extend a hand if Iran "unclenched its fist".

President Barack Obama discussed the possibility of a softening of US policy towards Iran in an interview recorded with a Saudi-owned Arabic TV network on Monday...

Defending the BBC

Recently with the failure of the BBC to broadcast the DEC charity appeal, there has been much criticism and anger. Some - people like MPAC UK are even questioning the reason why the BBC exists.

I disagree with all these people - while I with the BBC over this decision to not broadcast the appeal, their failure to do so has managed to create a broader awareness of the appeal - people who may not have been watching TV at the broadcast time may have missed it.

Instead, since everyone is talking about their failure, more people are aware of the actual appeal (which is available to view in many places including this website.)


As far as I am concerned there is no bigger taboo than exercise.

If I do it I would not want anyone to ever know, so that limits the options a little.

Anyone here an exercise junkie?

Don't you just find it... boring? and tedious?

Man trapped by sofa sipped whisky "to survive"

Man trapped by sofa sipped whisky

A man who became trapped beneath his sofa for two days said he survived by sipping from a bottle of whisky.

Joe Galliott, 65, lost his bearings during a power cut at his home in Yeovil, Somerset, and fell against the three-seater which toppled onto him.

Because of back problems, he was unable to free his 19-stone frame and remained stuck for 60 hours until a neighbour spotted him through the curtains.

He said a bottle of whisky, which had rolled within reach, kept him going...

Read more @ BBC News

Boycotting Israel is doomed to fail

Boycotting Israel is doomed to fail

If you're really serious about boycotting Israel, you shouldn't have read this sentence. In fact, you shouldn't even have the Cif website open at all, since the Guardian quite openly employs Israelis and remunerates them for the products they provide. And in doing so, the Guardian is hardly alone: thanks in part to globalisation, and in part to the seemingly inextricable ties Israel has to the US and Europe (for starters), there is little to no chance of a complete boycott of Israel ever coming to pass and bringing the country's economy to its knees.

Wine Vinegar in Sandwiches/Salads - Haraam?


This issue may affect a few people who come on this website, although they may not know about it. I have noticed in the ingredients of many pre-packed sandwiches and salads (which have an ingredients label on them) that some contain WHITE WINE VINEGAR and RED WINE VINEGAR, as well as SPIRIT vinegar.

Are these haraam because it is/derived from wine, or is it permissable because it is vinegar? I do remember a Hadith of the Prophet(saw) about alcohol: "Whatever intoxicates in greater quantity is forbidden even in smaller quantity".

Any info would be appreciated. Thanks.
