Unity Foundation: Adult Madassa (Monthly Classes) in Preston, Lancashire

“In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful”

Salaam Brothers & Sisters,

Unity Foundation are excited to announce the start of our Adult Madassa. (Poster attached)

The classes are to take place, insha'Allah on a monthly basis.

Shaykh Ibrahim Osi-Efa** (Liverpool) will insha'Allah teach the renowned 'Book of Numbers – Holding Fast to the Firm Reality', by Al Imam Muhammad b. Umar Bahraq al Harami as part of the Greensville Trust Outreach program.

The monthly Madrassa will take place on Friday evening at the University of Central Lancashire, Preston*(Map attached). Experienced students of knowledge & new students alike are welcome to participate in a program that is anticipated to be very special!

The first class will commence, insha'Allah on February 20, 2009 19.30 at UCLan. The book will be taught in the format of twelve self-contained lessons, all of which have immense value in themselves. Please email Info@unityfoundation.co.uk to request an application form.


The first lesson will set the context for the course, and endeavours to nurture and create an environment, which arouses heedless hearts and invigorates the resolve of the slothful. The author speaks directly into the heart of the student and addresses the direct causes of spiritual inactivity in order to make ears attentive to the light of prophecy that forms the essential content of this text.

Religious Counsel

The principal counsel of the ancients and the modern alike is that of taqwa, God conscious behaviour. The first lesson will also explore the concept of taqwa as understood by classical Islamic scholarship, commenting on the ten Qur’anic God-conscious archetypes.

Lesson Two: The Book of One’s

The lesson will elucidate four ones:

1. Taqwa, God-conscious behaviour
2. The Nature and Importance of the Heart
3. The Stomach and the Repugnance of Satiation
The Pre-eminence of Knowledge

Lesson Three: The Book of Two’s

The lesson will elucidate three two’s:

1. Health and Spare time
2. Worldly Abstinence and from what Man possesses
3. Miserliness and Bad Character

Lesson Four: The Book of Three’s

The lesson will elucidate three threes:

1. The Three Qualities
2. The Three Signs of a Hypocrite
3. The Three Mortal Sins

Lesson Five: The Book of Four’s

The lesson will elucidate three fours:

1. The Four Decrees
2. The Four Prophetic Representatives
3. The Four Words: al-Baqiyat al-Salihat

Lesson Six: The Book of Five’s

The lesson will elucidate three fives:

1. The Five Pillars
2. The Five Prayers
3. The Five Questions

Lesson Seven: The Book of Six’s

The lesson will elucidate three sixes:

1. The Six Articles of Faith
2. The Six Rights of a Muslim
3. The Six Archetypal Rights

Lesson Eight: The Book of Seven’s

The lesson will elucidate one seven:

1. The Seven Archetypes under the Divine Shade

Lesson Nine: The Book of Eight’s

The lesson will elucidate three eights:

1. The Eight Gateways of Paradise
2. The Eight Angelic Guards
3. The Eight Companions of the Cave

Lesson Ten: The Book of Nine’s

The lesson will elucidate one nine:

1. The Nine Causes and their Nine Effects

Lesson Eleven: The Book of Ten’s

The lesson will elucidate two tens:

1. The Ten Traits of Perdition
2. The Ten Traits of Salvation

Lesson Twelve: The Epilogue

The final lesson and culmination of the course will briefly look at the following three topics:

1. Bestowal
2. Supplication
3. Prayers upon the Prophet

The lessons will be conducted in PowerPoint, with the opportunity to take notes and ask questions. At the end of the each lesson there will opportunities to ask informal questions.

Each class is subject to a £10 admin fee (Students/Unemployed £7) that covers course administration, materials, teachers expenses, light refreshments etc.

The Unity Foundation team.

*Unity foundation reserves the right to move the venue, if necessary to a different location, town or city for the benefit of our student cohort.

**Shaykh Ibrahim Osi-Efa

Shaykh Ibrahim was born and raised in Liverpool, England. He was blessed with the opportunity to study several classical disciplines at the hands of some of the holders of the tradition such as Murabit al-Haj, al-Habib Umar b. Hafiz and Shaikh Hassan al-Hindi. Initially studying for three years in Syria and Mauritania, Ustaz Ibrahim was then blessed with the opportunity to spend over six years in the illuminated city of Tarim, Hadramaut where he studied under the qualified hands of teachers such as al-Habib Kazim al-Saqqaf, al-Habib ‘Ali al-Jifri and al-Shaikh ‘Umar Husain al-Khatib.

He was one of the founders of several Islamic initiatives including the Ibn Abbas Institute, Starlatch Press, Badr Language Institute and the Greensville Trust. He currently resides in Liverpool, England with his wife and two children.