Forum Topics

Home Secretary Jacqui Smith Accused of allowing torture of British Muslim

A Briton held on suspicion of terrorism in Bangladesh is to sue Home Secretary Jacqui Smith, alleging she allowed his torture, the Home Office has confirmed.

Former civil servant Jamil Rahman, who grew up in south Wales, claims he was interrogated by MI5 officers in between beatings by Bangladesh security forces.

He gave false confessions, including that he masterminded the 2005 terror attacks on London, Mr Rahman says.

The Home Office says British security forces neither condone nor use torture.

A Home Office spokeswoman said Mr Rahman's legal team had written to the home secretary, who would respond "in due course"...

Read more @ BBC News

Iraq to arrest 1,000 'corrupt' officials

Iraq's anti-corruption watchdog says arrest warrants have been issued for some 1,000 allegedly corrupt officials.

Few details were disclosed, but the Commission on Public Integrity said at least 50 were senior figures.

The commission has previously said the most serious complaints concern the trade ministry, where officials allegedly took bribes for contracts.

This week Prime Minister Nouri Maliki accepted the resignation of his trade minister over corruption accusations...

Read more @ BBC News

New Islamic Website

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Please be advised we have added New Hamd Naat Albums

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Bitterness as mental illness?

Bitter behavior is so common and deeply destructive that some psychiatrists are urging it be identified as a mental illness under the name post-traumatic embitterment disorder.

You know them. I know them. And, increasingly, psychiatrists know them. People who feel they have been wronged by someone and are so bitter they can barely function other than to ruminate about their circumstances.

This behavior is so common -- and so deeply destructive -- that some psychiatrists are urging it be identified as a mental illness under the name post-traumatic embitterment disorder. The behavior was discussed before an enthusiastic audience last week at a meeting of the American Psychiatric Assn. in San Francisco.



The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) said:

"Do good deeds properly, sincerely and moderately. Always adopt a middle, moderate, regular course, whereby you will reach your target (of paradise)." (Sahih al-Bukhari)

So why are moderates insulted? Do the people not know they are mocking the sunnah of the prophet?

Messing With Nature

What are your opinions on scientists messing with things.


Selective breeeding?
"Designer" babies?
Anything else?

I dont think they should mess with the genes really but selective breeding in animals has its advantages and doesnt seem so bad.

Would the world be i dunno...boring maybe if everyone made designer babies, cuz they would all be perfect? but then again everyone's idea of beautifull isnt the same as "beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder" so they wouldnt neccesarily be perfect to others. Well either way i don't agree with it. Has there even been any designer babies or is it something they think can be done??

And If you could have a designer baby what would it look like? (im "making" one now for my homework)

Red Bull really does give you wings!

Germany bans cola after drug test

The authorities in six German states have ordered retailers to stop selling Red Bull Cola energy drinks after traces of cocaine were found in it.

The recall came after a sample analysis conducted in North-Rhine Westphalia found one litre of the drink contained 0.4 micrograms of the banned substance.

Officials said the cocaine levels were too low to pose a health threat but were not permitted in foodstuffs.

Red Bull said its cola was "harmless and marketable" in both the US and EU.

The company said coca leaf extracts were used worldwide as a natural flavouring, and that its own tests had found no traces of cocaine...

Court lifts Sharif election ban

Pakistan's Supreme Court has overturned a ban that prevented opposition leader Nawaz Sharif and his brother Shahbaz from running for political office.

The ruling means Mr Sharif will be able to stand in elections due in 2013 or a parliamentary by-election before then.

The former prime minister and leader of the PML-N party is one of the most popular politicians in the country.

Mr Sharif's ban related to old convictions which he has always said were politically motivated.

He lost power in a bloodless coup led by then army chief Pervez Musharraf in 1999, and was forced into exile a year later in Saudi Arabia.

But in November 2007 Mr Sharif was allowed to fly back to Pakistan, and helped force President Musharraf from office in 2008.

