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milad un nabi banned in somalia

LUQ (Sh. M. Network) – the Islamic administration of Luq town in southern Somalia have formally banned the commemoration of Mowlid (the berth month of the prophet Muhammad) (Peace be Up on Him) for the people in the town, officials said on Sunday.

Sheik Hassan Al-iraqi, head of security of the Islamic administration in Luq town had read before the reporters two articles which he said that people in town were required to follow saying that two issues were: firstly the people of the town to be out of the former buildings of the Somali government and not to remember the Mowlid (the berth month of the prophet Muhamed) (Peace and Bless be Up on Him) in and around the town.

Sod's law


Sod's law

Sod's law (uncountable)

1. (slang) the principle that what can go wrong, will go wrong, usually with some observed degree of irony

E.g Its Sod's law that the burgers are burned on the outside but raw in the middle


You do the work thinkin its in the next day, then turns out, isn't for another week, but if you hadn't have done it, it would have been deadline day today

Who knew there was a term for it ^_^
I've never heard of it till today, Must be an Irish thing x]

Turkey to break siege of Gaza

Something that I noticed over at London Muslim - An aid convoy from Turkey will try to breach the blockade that has been imposed by Israel and Egypt on Gaza by providing material that is blocked under the blockade - hazardous and dangerous things like building materials, medicine, generators and medical equipment. Scary, wooo.

London Muslim calls Turkey the "leader of the Muslim world" and I must agree that it is fast earning that title.

20 Ships to Head for Clash in Gaza

Nap 'boosts' brain learning power

A nap during the day doesn't just beat tiredness, but actually improves the brain's ability to absorb new information, claim US scientists.

Volunteers who slept for 90 minutes during the day did better at cognitive tests than those who were kept awake.


The latest study, from the University of California at Berkeley, suggests that the brain may need sleep to process short-term memories, creating "space" for new facts to be learned.

In their experiment, 39 healthy adults were given a hard learning task in the morning - with broadly similar results, before half of them were sent for their siesta.

When the tests were repeated, the nappers outperformed those who had carried on without sleep.

Craziness and its treatment

When people go crazy, there are two reasons:

1) They have a mental health problem.
2) They have been possessed.


- Is Exorcism an Islamic practice? Or is it a cultural thing?
- If it is, where does it differentiate between what is a medical problem and what is possession?
- Are we okay to disbelieve in the idea of someone being possessed?

I'm reading about Mental Disorders in the past...and they talk about it being a Christian ritual, a Hindu and Buddhism thing..etc...but why is Islam not included?

What did Prophet Isa (as) look like?

and what would have his ethnicity have been?

I was quite sure that I had read somewhere that Prophet Isa (as) had red hair and from there assumed he was fair coloured too.

But I decided to look it up after making an assertion on tribune that Prophet Isa (as) may have been ginger (which apparently is not the same as (properly) red hair...) just to make sure and the closest description I have found is this:

Many Hadiths have given a clear description as to Jesus’ appearance. Imam Bukhari(d.256/834)and Imam Muslim have narrated that the Messenger of Allah (sallalahu alayhi wasallam) said,

ooh, the french are really going to hate this!

A leading French fast food outlet (the article calls it "the french answer to McDonalds" but its called "Quick Hamburger" which may make it sound suitably "foreign" and upmarket over there...) has decided to trial halaal meat only in a few of its outlets (well, 8 ).

Do you think people who cannot stand other women to have the right to wear a veil will be able to stomach (literally!) halaal meat in their burgers?

Or will they say "non" ?
