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Somali rage at grave desecration

An old BBC article, but since it seems that Al Shabab will have full control over southern Somalia probably sooner than later, it is... relevant:

Since they began to capture large swathes of southern Somalia, radical Islamists have been undertaking a programme of destroying mosques and the graves of revered religious leaders from the Sufi branch of Islam.

The destruction of non-approved religious sites started last year when they began to knock down an old colonial era church in the town of Kismayo.

Most Somalis are Sufi Muslims, who do not share the strict Saudi Arabian-inspired Wahhabi interpretation of Islam with the hardline al-Shabab group.

They embrace music, dancing and meditation and are appalled at the desecration of the graves.

The Book of Numbers Class | Shaykh Ibrahim Osi-Efa | Friday 19th February | inc. Endorsement from Shaykh Faraz Rabbani !‏

Shaykh Faraz Rabbani endorses the Unity Foundation classes!

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said, "Whomever Allah wishes well for, He grants deep understanding of religion.

" These excellent classes with Shaykh Ibrahim Osi-Efa are a means to become people of depth and excellence in understanding and living the deen, and becoming of those who truly embody the Prophetic way of excellence and are thereby beloved to Allah. Shaykh Ibrahim is one of the most remarkable and dynamic scholars and teachers in the West. Don't miss this chance to seek knowledge with one of the true inheritors of the Beloved Beloved Messenger of Allah (peace & blessings be upon him & his folk)".

Illuminati how does it effect muslims?

salams i came across a mind boggling video on youtube today about the illuminati, linked with the new world order and free masons.

Anyone tell me more about it, should we be aware of them, and educate ourselves on them and their brainwashing techniques?

It's really shook me up, after a few minutes i can really see the truth in some of what i saw.

if you put in illuminati music industry or illuminati alone lots comes up.

i saw a few links then chanced upon this user farhan, part 2 was compelling for me maybe take a look before it gets deleted. A lot of powerful posts on this subject get deleted:

Ban on Valentine's Day cards at school

A primary school in Weston-super-Mare has been criticised for banning Valentine cards to save pupils the "emotional trauma" of being rejected.

Children at Ashcombe Primary School were stopped from exchanging cards because the head teacher said they were not emotionally mature enough to cope.

Peter Turner told parents of the 430 pupils that cards would be confiscated.

One pupil's mother said: "I think it's outrageous. They're just children. Why spoil their fun?"

The woman, whose son attends the school, said: "It's comical really. I couldn't believe it when I saw the newsletter.

"My son is six and he's had a little girlfriend since nursery. They say they're going to get married, but we don't read anything into it."

Dubai court annuls marriage to 'bearded lady'

An Arab country's ambassador to Dubai has had his marriage contract annulled after discovering the bride was cross-eyed and had facial hair.

The woman had worn an Islamic veil, known as the niqab, on the few occasions the couple had met.

The envoy, who has not been identified, told a Sharia court her mother had tricked him by showing him pictures of the bride's sister, Gulf News reported.

Read more @ BBC News

MI5 'knew Guantanamo detainee Binyam Mohamed was being tortured'

MI5 knew that Binyam Mohamed, the former Guantanamo detainee, was being tortured by the CIA, a Court of Appeal judgment has revealed.

Evidence held by the Foreign Office, which had until now been kept secret, shows that the Security Service was aware that Mr Mohamed was deprived of sleep, "shackled" during interrogation and threatened with the idea that he might "disappear".

MI5 has also been accused of feeding questions to Mr Mohamed's interrogators, leading to accusations that it was “complicit” in his torture.

Read more @ The Telegraph

1001 INVENTIONS - Science Museum Exhibition

1001 Inventions Exhibition, Science Museum, London

DATES: 21 January till 25 April 2010 (temporary closure 25 Feb to 12 March 2010)
TIMES: 10am till 6pm every day. Entrance is FREE of charge.
LOCATION: Science Museum, Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London.

What is the secret behind the way we write numbers?
When did scientists first discover how we see?
Who drew the oldest surviving map showing America?
What is the hidden meaning of the Elephant Clock?

Direct link

Why Obama did not release torture photos: They showed American Soldiers Rape Children

Not exactly a pleasant story:

Media Ignores Real Controversy Behind Torture Photos; They Show Prison Guards Raping Children

The real reason behind Obama’s reversal of a decision to release the torture photos has been almost completely ignored by the corporate media - the fact that the photos show both US and Iraqi soldiers raping teenage boys in front of their mothers.

The Obama administration originally intended to release photos depicting torture and abuse of detainees in Afghanistan and Iraq by the end of May, following a court order arising out of a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit first filed by the ACLU in 2004.
