Forum Topics

Shaykh Tahir ul Qadri issues terrorism fatwa

Islamic scholar Tahir ul-Qadri to issue terrorism fatwa

An influential Muslim scholar is to issue in London a global ruling against terrorism and suicide bombing.

Dr Tahir ul-Qadri, from Pakistan, says his 600-page judgement, known as a fatwa, completely dismantles al-Qaeda's violent ideology.

The scholar describes al-Qaeda as an "old evil with a new name" which has not been sufficiently challenged.

The scholar's movement is growing in the UK and has attracted the interest of policymakers and security chiefs.

In his religious ruling, Dr Qadri says that Islam forbids the massacre of innocent citizens and suicide bombings.

When the world shook and the days got shorter...

Chilean Quake Likely Shifted Earth’s Axis, NASA Scientist Says

he earthquake that killed more than 700 people in Chile on Feb. 27 probably shifted the Earth’s axis and shortened the day, a National Aeronautics and Space Administration scientist said.

Earthquakes can involve shifting hundreds of kilometers of rock by several meters, changing the distribution of mass on the planet. This affects the Earth’s rotation, said Richard Gross, a geophysicist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, who uses a computer model to calculate the effects.

How do you rejoice the birth/raising/coming of the Prophet Muhammad (saw)?

Say: Because of the Blessings (fadl) of Allah and His Mercy (rahma) you should celebrate (with happiness and pleasure). That is better than what (wealth) they amass. (Surah Yunus)

The scholars say that Allah (swt) is referring to the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) in this verse, Rahma and Fadl is a direct reference to the Prophet Muhammad (saw).

Do you celebrate the birth of the Prophet Muhammad (saw)?

Do you rejoice his birth or acknowledge it?

If not, why not?

Do you celebrate it all year round or just in the month of Rabbi ul-Awwal?

Dispatches Investigates: Britain's Islamic Republic

Dispatches investigates a fundamentalist Islamic group headquartered in Britain, and its claims to have placed its 'brothers' in positions of political power here.

Using undercover recordings, investigative journalist Andrew Gilligan reveals the group's ambitions to create a worldwide 'Islamic social and political order,' and the concerns of a mainstream party that they are being 'infiltrated'; and talks to the Muslims who want to stop it.

will this be another islamaphobic attack or will it actually have some substance rather than just illegitimate claims....?

tonight channel 4 8pm or check it out on

Halaal Meat: HMC vs HFA

ok i was told HFA - Halaal Food Authority are actually HARAAM

and only the HMC - Halaal Monitoring Committee are actually Halaal

i didn't know if it was true or not hence this new thread. Just googled "HFA HMC"

this is the second link given.

it answers the question whether food that is certified by HFA is halaal or not. i havn't read the answer yet.

The SBF topic: Lists, List, Lis, Li, L, ........

I'm bored.

I have a MASSIVE HUGE list of things to do.

You will be glad to know the final thing on the list says Sleep.


Anyway...I made a forum topic..because...

So..I'm going to start the first thing on my list. There are 6 things to do.

I can't afford to get distracted. (The fact that I googled and found a picture to add to this topic doesn't count.)

So here goes.

Racist' school bus drivers 'refusing to stop for young Muslim girls who are wearing the hijab'

School bus drivers have been accused of racism after failing to stop for pupils wearing Muslim hijabs.

Young girls have claimed they are being bullied on board for dressing in the traditional veil which covers the head.

To avoid trouble, ‘cowardly’ drivers are allegedly ignoring pupils who wait at bus stops wearing the headscarf.

Following a police investigation, officers will now be drafted on to board the buses to protect the students from ‘racist’ taunts of other passengers.

The problems centre on Merseytravel and pupils attending West Derby's Holly Lodge Girls' College in Merseyside, where 10 per cent of the 11,274 11 to 18-year-old students are from ethnic minorities.

Members of the Muslim community said the issue was a long-running one.
