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Government names most influential 'pro-Islamic' bloggers

Counter-terrorism research reveals network of pro-Islamic bloggers is smaller and less cohesive than anti-jihadist community


The Home Office's counter-terrorism communications unit has named its top 20 most influential "pro-Islamic" political bloggers.

The list forms part of a mapping exercise carried out on behalf of the Home Office to estimate and track the scale and influence of Islamic bloggers in Britain.

The results of the exercise, which was carried out in 2008 but only published today, show that a network of Islamic bloggers who post on British politics does exist but is still relatively small and draws its information overwhelmingly from mainstream media, mainly the Guardian and the BBC.

Children of Gaza


On Monday 15th March Channel 4 aired an episode of Dispatches entitled "The Children of Gaza". It focused on the lives of a few of the children living in that small strip of Palestinian land whose lives were devastated when, 15 months ago, Israel launched its military attack on their homes, killing many of their parents and relatives, and shattering their already fragile existences.

It showed how they have bravely tried to deal with their losses and bereavements and have tried to move on with their lives, and simultaneously how Israel has ensured that this is well near impossible as a result of the children’s literal incarceration in Gaza due to Israel’s illegal and ongoing siege.

Sharia in the UK

If Muslims rose up and through force, or votes (heh!) and implemented Sharia-principled government in the UK, what are the chances it would be a good government? I'm not looking so much at the answer based on religion, but rather at the answer based on reality.

We can be fairly certain that in the case of a Muslim takeover, the resultant government would be of a fundamentalist nature. The closest government to a full implementation of Sharia, other than the Caliphate perhaps, was Taliban-led Afghanistan.

Dubai jails pair for making plans to fornicate

This is an especially strange one considering that there is no punishment for actions that did not happen...

Dubai jails Indian pair for 'sexy texts'

Steamy text messages have resulted in a three-month jail sentence for an Indian man and an Indian woman in Dubai.

Judges ruled that they had planned to "commit sin", a reference to an extramarital affair - which is illegal in the United Arab Emirates.

The unnamed pair, aged 47 and 42, were working as cabin crew for Dubai's Emirates airline.

Their "sexy texts" first surfaced last year, in a divorce lawsuit by the woman's estranged husband.

Read more @ BBC News

Diagnosis of death

I was recently interested to see that the medically recognised definition of death is widely recognised and supported as being 'brain stem death' (was decided in case of Airedale NHS Trust v Bland)

yet then is that not a problem for doctors in cases of brain steam death when a patient has lost vegetative functions and is simply living off life support....problem in terms of morality and ethics. As it is simply impossible to ignore factors such as family pressure and the fact that the patient is a human.

This is not something new, afterall there have been many cases where there has been dispute whether such patients should be pulled of life support or allowed to 'live' off life support.

Assisted Suicide Interim Policy

The director of public prosecutions Keir Starmer QC in september of 2009 issued guidelines in regards assisted suicide and when people can be prosecuted when they have played a part in this.

A numebr of cases have been brought foward such as Pretty v United Kingdom and R (on the application of Purdy) v Director of Public Prosecutions.

Guidelines can be found here

What are your views on this topic?

Should it just be seen as a form of homicide fullstop?

even though the person has given consent ....

or should symphathy be shown in certain cases?

Homosexuality and Islam

Firstly to make clear my position - I have many gay friends and gay members of my family. My wife and I have supported a gay couple in their attempt to adopt.

So, Islam says that being gay is a sin. It is haram. Right? Allah hates it. Sodomy is one of the worst types of sin in Islam, as far as I can tell from hearsay and from what I've read in your scripture.

There is also the overwhelming cultural aversion to homosexuality. I have never come across a community, that is, a group loosely connected by religion or wealth or interest or occupation, that has more dislike and hatred of gays than Muslims. In a recent poll, although I cannot find the source, 60% of Muslims in the UK want to criminalise homosexuality (I presume both male and female).

Row over 'torture' on French TV

A disturbing French TV documentary has tried to demonstrate how well-meaning people can be manipulated into becoming torturers or even executioners.

The hugely controversial Game of Death was broadcast in prime-time on a major terrestrial channel, France 2, on Wednesday.

It showed 80 people taking part in what they thought was a game show pilot.

As it was only a trial, they were told they wouldn't win anything, but they were given a nominal 40 euro fee.

Before the show, they signed contracts agreeing to inflict electric shocks on other contestants.

One by one, they were put in a studio resembling the sets of popular game shows.
