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Collateral Murder - video from American Apaches murdering civillians in Iraq

WikiLeaks has released a classified US military video depicting the indiscriminate slaying of over a dozen people in the Iraqi suburb of New Baghdad -- including two Reuters news staff. Reuters has been trying to obtain the video through the Freedom of Information Act, without success since the time of the attack.

The video, shot from an Apache helicopter gun-site, clearly shows the unprovoked slaying of a wounded Reuters employee and his rescuers. Two young children involved in the rescue were also seriously wounded.


Pakistani doctor uses ambulance to take home his new cow

and no, that is not some euphimism.

Pakistani doctor suspended for putting cow in ambulance

A Pakistani doctor has been suspended for using an ambulance to carry home a cow he had bought at a local market, health authorities say.

The doctor had taken the ambulance from a rural health centre near the eastern city of Gujrat, in Punjab province.

He was intercepted by police while driving home from the cattle market.

Read more @ BBC News

Saudis 'give Lebanese sorcerer stay of execution'

A Lebanese man sentenced to death in Saudi Arabia for sorcery has been given a temporary reprieve, his lawyer says.

Ali Sabat's execution was scheduled for Friday but his lawyer, May el-Khansa, told the BBC she had been assured by a Lebanese minister it would not happen.

Mr Sabat, who is in his 40s, was the host of a satellite TV programme in which he predicted the future.

Read more @ BBC News

From the article:

He was arrested by religious police while on pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia in 2008 and convicted of sorcery.

I bet he didn't see that coming!

Syrian National assasinated by Israel? This time in Europe

Well the article says:

The two Gulfstream planes, reportedly equipped with the IDF's finest intelligence means, flew through Turkey, Bulgaria, and Romania before entering Hungary's airspace, the media outlets said. The aircraft were said to leave Hungary after completing their mission, without ever landing in the country.

and at some point some Syrian national was assassinated in Budapest, Hungary. The news does not make it clear how close the two events were, but the implications are clear.

Prevent extremism strategy 'stigmatising', warn MPs

The government's strategy to prevent violent extremism has stigmatised and alienated Muslims it wants to work with, a committee of MPs has warned.

The communities and local government committee said the Prevent programme was backfiring and it was difficult to know what good it was doing.

Millions have been spent on projects aimed at countering al-Qaeda's threat.

The Department for Communities said it was disappointed the report had not recognised important reforms.


Dr Starkey told the BBC that it was very difficult to measure whether any of Prevent's spending was doing any good at all and that many local authorities needed more help in running its programmes.

[From Newsnight] Disgusting treatment of Gaza protesters (treated and punished as terrorists)

I was just watching Newsnight and there was a segment of people arrested and charged over their conduct for the protests outside the Israeli embassy during the Israeli offensive over Gaza.

Newsnight found a series of issues and problems:

  1. Offensive policing where people were pushed into situations.
  2. Police officers assaulting demonstrators.
  3. When people were charged, instead of normal demonstration charges, they were charged with terrorism related crimes. and most were Muslim.
  4. When video footage that would be of use to defendants was found by one lawyer, he was prohibited from sharing it to others lawyers and defendants.

French PM advised against total Islamic veil ban

France's top administrative body has advised the government that any total ban on face-covering Islamic veils could be unconstitutional.

The State Council also said a ban could be justified in some public places.

Prime Minster Francois Fillon had asked the council for a legal opinion before drawing up a law on the subject.

However, an MP from President Nicolas Sarkozy's party was quoted as saying that those drafting the legislation might ignore Tuesday's ruling.

In the ruling, the council said any law could be in violation of the French constitution as well as the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.
