I really really want to become an atheist because I think religion bounds a person to follow certain things and if you are an atheist you don’t have to follow anything your free to do what you like
I don’t want to get married to anyone because it’s a life contract and you have to make certain compromises to please your Husband – Wife you even have to lie when your wife say honey does my bum look big in this and you have to say NO to keep her happy and if you say YES it does then she gets grumpy and says do you not love me like you use to not only that but when you have kids you have to worry about there lives IE there up bringing Education and so on, When it comes to upbringing it is very difficult to give them a good example of life when they have role models like Jordon / Katie Price I have lost count of the amount of times she has married and divorced don’t ask about how many boy friends she’s had in between that time (excluding weekends)
If you people on here had a son or daughter and he / she said daddy I want to be like Katie Price what would you say?
There are some questions in life that come to mind more then others about religion
Does Allah – God actually exist?
How Did Allah - God come in to entrance?
Who crated Allah - God?
What was Allah - God crated for?
How did Allah – Got create the World
Why does he need us to pray, fast for him he is the almighty?
Why do we have to give Zakat, Sadqa, does that mean he values money?
Why does he want us to perform Hajj / Umrah
Why do Muslims practice female circumcision? (Mostly in parts of Africa and Asia) why did Islam not banned this practice?
When a Muslim child is born male or female why is it must to give the Azaan in its Ear? The child does not understand anything about religion at such a young age
Why did Allah tell Muslim women to wear the Burqa / Niqab (it looks horrible) He did not tell men? Or at least men don’t seem to cover up
Why is it that Muslim men can marry up to eight wives or keep eight wives and women can’t marry eight men (That’s not fair)
Why don’t Muslim fathers want there daughters to educate, Is it because that they will fight for there rights?
(Most Muslim gals I know get married very early 9 is the earliest average is around 16 to 24) Arab, Afghanistani, Bangladeshi, Pakistani, – Mirpuri and all others
Why don’t Muslims live in harmony with each other IE Sunni, Shia, Wahabi etc there is up-roar in almost every Muslim country in the world
There will be more questions to follow
He (swt) exists. Time is a creation in itself so you need to take yourself out of the causation argument (and even for athiests or those not believing in God, there is a limit to how far they can go with causality - there is a natural limit with the big bang)
Not something I have asked myself.
He doesn't need for us to do anything. It is for our benefit.
Because its for our own good and we value money - even when we give in the way of God, we dont give directly to Him, so you cant see that as the greed argument that you are suggesting there, it is innacurate.
To honour notable events in history. Read about Hajj and each thing copied is from an earlier time, an action of Prophet Ibrahim, Prophet Isma'il or Prophet Isma'il's mother, Hadhrat Hajirah (ra).
They don't and most scholars will speak against it in most forms.
The intentions and actions may be for the benefit of the parents too, where they are reminded of the bounty of God and how they must give the child a good Islamic upbringing.
Different aspects of beauty, different roles. The genders arent identical.
I've never heard of 8 before. First time. Where did you hear of it?
as for more than one, well, it was practiced in the society before Islam simply changed the limit from "unlimited".
As for logic, there was greater attrition of men in the society through violence etc and that would leave many women widowed with no one to take care of them. Islam allowed for them to be cared for.
I dont know any parents of any type that are against eduation and I dont know of anyone getting married at the age of 9. I know of one guy who got married at the age of 16 and everyone else was much older.
But early marriage is a good thing - non Muslim societies get married later because they consider sexual relations before marirage to be acceptable.
Many do. Many don't.
There is no system here, but people being people and you will see people divide and unify over many things.
Can I ask how old you are?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
there goes nothing..
i dont think you should be an atheist StopIncest (coudl you give us another nickname to call you by, i dont like using your username..). Atheists are very sad because they have nothing to work towards... they have no one to look up to, they are so free they dont know what to do with it. Us humans, we need guidelines and regulations, else we'd just be like animals. Following our whims and desires and nothing else
you dont have to marry, marriage is about love and having a partner for life. you dont have to marry someone fat? just dont think about marriage for now, lets focus on your other questions.
Allah does exist. where would we, the earth, the tress, etc.. be without Him?
Allah was not created, He created everything, space, the universe, the planet, and even time. He is beyond all of that. Its difficutl to grasp and comprehend but this shows how limited our knowledge/understanding is. Allah was not created for a purpose, He is above all of this. He is out of this world, remember, the earth is just a little speck of dust.
In the Quran it says that Allah just has to say "be" and it is. Allah owns and created everything, He has so much power, the law of physics etc.. do not apply to him, there is no conservation of energy, no hard labour needed to get an outcome, He created all these laws and everythign else.
praying,fasting, giving charity, going to Hajj/Umrah is all for our own sake. He does not need us, we need Him. He's the one who gives us eyesight, hearing, movement, muscles, bones, touch, taste, nerves, skin, hair, eyelashes etc... can you imagine all these things creating themselves? To show our thankfulness we pray. We fast to train ourselves and better ourselves. As Allah, our maker, the one who knows exactly and everything about how we tick, knows that food is THEE thing that makes us work (Energy blah blah) and that gives us enough energy to, amongst other thing, sin and do bad things that harms us. so He gives us the opportunity through the month of Ramadan to try and get away from these sins and things. So that we can focus on our true purpose. Worshipping Allah Alone. There is an ayah in hte Quran that says that Allah created djinn and mankind to worship Him alone. This is our purpose on Earth.
as admin said: female circumsition is NOT from Islam. Only male circumsition is.
Niqaab does not look horrible, you should say you dont like it. It's a very subjective thing. I personally believe that they look really nice. There is much debate about covering, Allah told us girls to hide our beauty and to keep it only for our husband and certain members of our family.
Knowledge is very important in Islam. Beneficial knowledge though. maybe dads are against the freemixing and all hte other other stuff that ISNT knowledge that takes place when you do try to get knowledge, they just want to protect their daughters. Im sure if the "girls" you talk about could get knowledge without being exposed to all sorts of bad things the parents wouldnt have anything against it.
I second what admin said about men marrying FOUR wives (not 8 ). but it is not obligatory! and it can be discussed before you get married and while you're married. dont worry about it if you're not getting married.
some "muslims" have strayed so much that they have done things or said things that took them out of Islam, these people, the rest of the muslims are united against them being muslims. and they shouldnt be called muslims.
others have done things that OTHERS thing that it takes them out of Islam..that leads to debate.
others do things that OTHERS believe are wrong..that leads to more debate.
You are a little person in a big world. on the day of judgement you will be on your own. not with your groupies. So you should focus on bettering yourself. later you can focus on other groups etc...
note: Wahabism does not exist.
note 2: you say that muslim are not unified. but thats because too many people have put too many people are "muslims" when they arent. It would be like saying jews are christians. wouldnt you THEn think that christianity is quite divided and different?!
keep asking, May Allah help us answer you. Because we cannot answer you except if Allah allows it. and our answers will only help you and open your heart if Allah wants it to happen. Allah guides whom He wants and misguides whom He wants. We are meaningless little things that think we're all it.
I apologize in advance, having exams round the corner so wont be able to give such long answers again. Forgive any spelling mistakes please!
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Any proof visual proof
How did he come into this world? we came into this world because our parents pro created
Have you never even thought about it?
What benefit do we get out of giving Zakat to others?
How about the people who can't afford it they are going to feel gulity
They do even today in Africa
If its for the benefit of the parents then why shout it in the Childs ear in my view its just a way of saying your stuck with Islam that's it there is nothing you can do about it
So there's gender discrimination in Islam just like the Hindu caste system
Ok I got it wrong its 6 or something
why not say only 1 or 2 max why go up to 3 4 5 6
Why was it not taken into consideration that Muslim women could look after them selfs
Just go to the Asian Countries I have mentioned above
for both your answers
even 16 is very young in my view why get married so early what's the rush? if your doing it so that they don't have sex out side marriage then how do you know what they get up to in collage before marriage so that's no excuse
Most do in my view
How old do you think I am and why are you So interested in my age?
My English is not very good
thats what i was afraid of (and why im back on here instead of getting on with what ineeded to do)
StopIncest: about the age, we dont want to sound like stalkerish online peudos. We're not. We're muslims, young and nice.
we want to know your age so we can target the way we write/interact with you. Im sure no one will mind if you dont give us your exact age, maybe just tell us what category you fall in, tween (pre-teen), early teen, late teen, twenties etc..?
also, please, because people have written quite big responses, use the reply button, not the quote one, its really difficult to see your replies amongst all the quoting, use reply and if someone dont know what you're referring to, then you could quote it? dont you think that would make it easier to have a discussion?
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
You can choose a number of answers from "looka round you, everything." to "can you see air? what about gravity? what about time?"
The idea is belief. Either believe or don't, I am just giving you an answer and yuo are free to reject it, I will not get into ana argument as I can already see a degree of stubbornness where you will deny anything in order to "win" and I dont play games.
These two are linked as if you were older you would understand causality and its limits.
ask a guy to give birth and watch him fail at it. The world is the way it is and you cannot deny facts that there are differences between people and genders. and no, that is totally unrelated to the hindu caste system - the caste system is about... casts while this is about difference between genders.
Once again, your age shows as you mix up different concepts. young. 12?
you are giving your own interpretation there and why do you have an issue with it?
We are not in Africa.
Lame argument - those that cant afford it dont have to do it.
a better off more cared for society making it a better place to live? Not everything is about being selfish.
Do you want to live in a society where there is no help for the poor? then the UK is not the place to be as we have a welfare state and that is a good thing. Similar concept.
But the main issue is one of believing in God and I dont think you understand that and that is what you need to focus on.
If God didn't exist, how would the world have come into existance?
(I still dont understand how you don't know how many wives a man is allowed to have... it makes me feel that you are a fake, a hoax.)
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I don't like guidelines and regulations
All Muslims have to get married especially women (thank goodness I'm not)
Women do get fat after giving birth a few times at least that's what I have seen
Then how did he come into existence
That is very hard for me to believe sorry and how do we know that our religion is the
correct one there are others as well
Then why does he not give the same amount of wealth to everyone everywhere who believe in him why is it that some people are poor and some are rich he also give to people who do not believe him
Why should you hide it, I say if u got it then show it
Dad's are against the actual Education its self because they feel that there Daughter may not obey everything they say IE getting married to who the father wants and the free mixing of sex's is apart of it as-well
It does exist they don't do Khatams
I will do
Please don't apologize your doing Islam a great service, I wish you the very best of luck with your exams May your Allah give the results your looking for Ameen
My English is not very good
visual proof of what?
He was not born, thats the stuff humans do. and He CREATED humans. he created the process of proscastination etc... He is WAYYYY ABOVE ALL OF THIS
Zakaat purifies your money so that Allah blesses it, and it helps us break the selfishness inside of us. plus its proportionate. 2.5% of your money - to be given to the poor. so that there never is a really poor poor poor person out there. (and neither a really really really rich person) it helps balance.
female circumsition: the point is, it is not from Islam, its like any other tribal custom.
women and men are different. women have assets that men dont have. women are attracted differently. we PRESERVE ourselves, as if we are jewels and pearls. we do NOT want to expose ourselves to any passerby. It is not men who forces women to wear it, it is a women who chooses and LOVES to wear it
(and i have no idea where you got your caste system from...try and clear and open your mind to what we're saying, else we're going to get mean. and that will be your fault. If your intention is not to learn about Islam and become a practising MUslim. dont bother.)
did you completely ignore my post? ITS FOUR WIVES.
because muslims women might not be able to look after themselveS? they arent FORCED into becoming 2nd, 3rd or 4th wives! they chose to it! and the rules and regulations around it are quite strict. but AS I HAVE PREVIOUSLY SAID dont worry about it for now.
who said 16 was too young? thats an idea THIS society has hammered into us. people amture and grow up differently. you technically can have a kid as soon as you start you periods. so if you have your periods at 9. you can have a kid.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
replying to what STOPINCEST said about MY POST:
you don't know what's good for you. When you know how everysingle cell in your brain works, then you can comment on whats good and bad for you. Allah the almighty, the on who created us, KNOWS how every single cell in our brains works therefore HE knows whats good and bad for us.
many people who have rebelled against rules and regulations, have just gone on to make NEW rules and regulations for themselves. we need guidelines. stop lying to yourself, you have guidelines too.
i said there was no point talking about marriage related stuff, its a grand topic, its suppose to fulfill half your faith. let's help you GET faith first shall we?
He didnt. he was there and will always be. He created time. He is out of time. Its hard to perceive but thats why we shouldnt question things too much. (even though i think you've questionned beyond too much in terms of Allah..but never mind... God-willing your intention is to learn and find your faith)
do you believe the Quran is the word of God? as in His speech?
how do we know? because it is like an upgrade. we arent AGAINST the other religion, our religion is an update of theirs. all their religion and prophets we believe in. but they have tampered with their books meaning that their books isnt the original one anymore. So Allah made ISlam, an updrage. with a new book The Quran that will NEVER be changed.
that is also an issue we shouldtn discuss until you understnad hte basics of Islam first and see the logic in it. money (and the lack of it) is a trial. Allah will judge on how we spend it if we had any (not to spend it in wrong thing, to share it etc..) and the lack of it might lead you to become moneygreedy (bad outcome) or to be patient and work hard and understand that its not all about money. (better outcome). Only He knows why He distributed His money in this way. Im only suggesting some of the ways.
but AS I SAID: no need to deal with zakaat right now.
what you say against what The Creator say? can you guess which one i'll choose?
flaunt it and get raped? harrassed? looked at? gawped at? is that what you're after? Women were treated like prostitutes and objects before Islam. When Islam came and introduce the Hijaab it enabled women to be taken more seriously. as humans beings. not sexual objects for men's pleisure. It says: "dont look at my boobs/arse, take me for my personality and listen to what i have to say"
btw... guys have a dress code too, what must be covered at all time is between the navel and the knee.
Khatams are not from Islam, Khatams is not an arabic word. and they are not called "wahabist" Ibn Wahhab was a man. that's all.
are you in every dads' head? thats not a nice thing to say? me and my whole family can marry anyone we want. and dads arent evil. they love their kids.
please tell us, are you willing to change? is your mind open?
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Allah - God
But after all this Zakaat giving there are still many poor people in this world then one has to think is it getting there in this first place
You think that because you have been taught that from a very young age
I did not ignore your post but even up to 4 is too much, Why can't Muslim women look ater there selfs women of other religions can so why cant Muslim women do the same?
So your saying that its OK for a child to marry at the age of 9? These are the things that have put off Islam
A child of 9 having a child, can a 9yr old take Responsibility for a child at such a young age when they should be going to school,having fun and playing with there dolls
Love are you in your mind
My English is not very good
Why are you so anti zaka'ah?
It is a force for good.
But that is not the limit of charitableness - zaka'ah is not even considered a charity - charity is above and beyond that when people give without being demanded to give.
That is a good thing. I don't know why you can't see that.
@Lilly - she even considered 24 too young, so no point arguing 16. The age that a person is ready for relations is defined by biology. Any numbers are crude approximations of when most people will be at that point.
@ SI - we can't and wont give you a visual proof of God. God is not an idol to be pointed at and either you believe inGod or you don't. Choose your ground. It is not something to argue and demand. Either you accept or you don't.
But ask yourself if there is no God, where did the universe come from?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
It never gets there
She? I'm a HE, I know men and women who are Muslim over 30 and not married
At what age would you think its appropriate for a man and women to get married
Trust me marriage ends up in divorce and heart ace, if you have kids then you have even more to worry about
My English is not very good
(woaw, deffo need to come back to this)
You say you want to be an atheist, because then you dont have to follow anything; your free to do what you like.
You dont have to be an atheist to do that, just human. Human have free will to do what they like, its what makes us different from the Angels (who dont). What also makes us different as muslims I guess is that we choose not to take part in certain activities/do certain things because we know what the consequences will be if we do. As muslims we have made the chose to serve Allah (swt) in order to obtain Jannah and we know that there are certain things that we have to do in order to achieve that (whether you like it or not).
I recently watched an episode of the Deen Show, dont know if you know it, but their guest was Nouman Ali Khan. He was a former atheist, but now you should hear him speak, hes masAllah.
So do not choose to be an atheist thinking that this will exempt you from facing Allah (swt) cos you'll just be kidding yourself if you do. just be sure that you dont regret any decision you end up making. (and if you want me to send you the link for the Deen Show, just let me know)
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
It does when it is hand delivered.
or you can give it to people and organisations that you trust.
There is no need to use multinational or other organisations that you dont know if they will get the money there.
Which erstrictions would you like to not have?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
You do, If you are religious then you have to follow the rules of that religion if you don't then you are not religious you are just of that religon by birth and name like a lot of Muslims today
How do you proof the consequences that are going to happen
I don' know about the Deen show
My English is not very good
Thats all good but how about if we only have enough money to feed our self’s and our families besides we’ve just gone through a resection and find it hard to make ends meet so poor people would be at the end of our priority list besides why should we give any money that we earn to others, It’s not right in my eyes
I dont' trust any of em
My English is not very good
you cant. except there's plenty of description in the Quran.
but if there ARE consequences and you're a practising muslim: you're safe
if they arent. you're a good person.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
From this post you don't seem sure yourself
My English is not very good
for your info. i dont need to kid myself into thinking that there isnt consequence.. i have a purpose. i have a abelief. i look forward to something.
i am VERY MUCH SURE of what's happening. Thanks for your concern.
btw. i TOLD you to drop the zakaat thing. because. you only pay zakaat if you earn above a certain amount. so POOR PEOPLE LIKE YOU DESCRIBE DONT PAY. they RECEIVE the zakaat. think THINK THINK! if everyone had to pay, who would be the poor receiving it?
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Why can't Allah - God give it to them why does he tell us to give it to them?
My English is not very good
Its all about Allah giving us opportunities to make ourselves better and worthy or paradize. or unworthy. by not giving the money.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Out of all the things in this world it had to be money
My English is not very good
yep. coz Allah knows how we are about it.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
"You came into the world involuntarily, you will leave this world involuntarily, then what makes you think you are at liberty to do anything that you wish from the time you are born to the time you die?"
I think this sums ur atheism up quite nicely (thanks to The Power Of Silence)![Smile](https://www.therevival.co.uk/sites/all/modules/smiley/packs/kolobok/smile.gif)
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
OMG that's tooo sick, the way you put that in! Yeh Boy! Credit goes to Shaykh Zahir Mahmood!
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
What I do till death is in my control
My English is not very good
You're not really thinking of the deeper meaning to that quote {sigh}
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
maybe he's too young to get it?
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
But as an atheist you want to adopt the belief that Allah(swt)doesnt exist??? how could you possibly believe this when everything we do potentially reminds of Allah(swt) such as the act of breathing, which im sure you dont even think twice about doing. I believe that accepting atheism is to deny the existence of everything, even yourself. no good man, no good!
what is it exactly that you feel you cannot do as a person of religion that will impact you being able to live life to the fullest????
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
That's the beauty of zaka'ah - you dont have to use an organisation, you can deliver the zaka'ah yourself directly to a needy person.
If you dont have nough for your family, you don't have to as only those that have savings over a specific amount have to pay it (and if you dont reach that level, you may be eligible to recieve it).
I don't see what's not to like.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.