
Surah Fatiha Verse 1

Surah Fatiha Verse 1

The Very Basic Creed Of A Muslim Is To Believe In The Oneness Of Allah Almighty. After Having This Belief, There Must Be A Connection Of A Muslim With His Lord Almighty. How Can This Connection Be Established? How Can One Get Close To The Blessed Court Of Allah Almighty? How Can One Become The Beloved Of Allah Almighty? Answers Of These Questions Are Very Important For A Muslim. The One Who Wants To Please Lord Almighty Searches For The Answer Of These Questions. The One Answer To These Questions Is That; One Must Always Praise And Thank The Lord Almighty. The Best Wordings For The Praise And Gratitude Of Allah Almighty Are In The Very First Ayah Of The Holy Quran “الحمد لله رب العلمين”.

Benefitting from the Quran

The only way we can truly benefit from the Qur'an is to build a strong connection and relationship with it. So, how can we do this? My friend shared the following with me and it's worth reading.

1 - Every time we go to recite the Qur'an or touch the Qur'an, we should renew our intention, that we are about to take the step to speak to Allah ﷻ. Know the value of this Book of Allah. We have so many copies of the Qur'an around the world, in abundance, that we lose value for the Qur'an. Know that if this Qur'an was revealed on a mountain, it would crumble, perish, be destroyed. This is the true value of His Book.

I am getting married

2015 is my year.

I am getting married after 2 months.

As you know Shias Muslims dont get marry during holy month of Muharram because it is a sad month of mourning. We remember Prophet’s grandson Imam Husayn. He was murdered by Yazid the tyrant.

So after 60 days are passed I will get married in month of Prophet’s Birth, Rabi al Awal. Inshallah.

I found a good female. She was Ahl Hadith. Now she and her 3 brothers have converted path of Ahl ul Bayt. She is now a Shia Muslim. I liked her and now I asked her last month. She said yes.

I am so happy. 

See my Malik blog:

Shia Muslim wife is the best wife

Some women are good and some are bad. Similarly some men are bad and some are good.

We all want a good partner when we get married. But who are the best men and women to marry?
I say Shia Muslim wife is best of all women to get married to. Shia Muslim women are pious, loyal, and very Islamic. They love their husband and they bring up children in the best way. Husbands love their Shia Muslim wives. Husband can rely on her, can trust her and he does not doubt her in any way. She is his precious gift from God.  Shia women are most loved women on Earth. The heart of husband and wife is happy because they love God and His Prophet and the Holy Family. God loves them. They love each other. Shia Muslims females are best females to marry. Shia Men are best husbands to marry.

Allah vs atheism: ‘Leaving Islam was the hardest thing I’ve done’

Amal Farah, a 32-year-old banking executive, is laughing about a contestant singing off-key in the last series of The X Factor. For a woman who was not allowed to listen to music when she was growing up, this is a delight. After years of turmoil, she is in control of her own life.

On the face of it, she is a product of modern Britain. Born in Somalia to Muslim parents, she grew up in Yemen and came to the UK in her late teens. After questioning her faith, she became an atheist and married a Jewish lawyer. But this has come at a cost. When she turned her back on her religion, she was disowned by her family and received death threats. She has not seen her mother or her siblings for eight years. None of them have met her husband or daughter.


The number 7 seems to appear numerous times in Islamic text. This recent realisation has made this association extremely fascinating.. 

1- 7 circumambulation (Ta’waf) around the Kaa’bah during Hajj

2- 7 walks (back and forth) between Al-Safa and Al-Marwah

3- 7 heavens

4- When the Prophet (peace be upon him) was taken to heaven during Miraj he reported to have seen an angel with 70 000 heads, each head having 70 000 mouths, each mouth having 70 000 tongues and each tongue speaking 70 000 languages; all involved in reciting the praises of Allah Almighty (can't remember the reference for this)

5- 7 pebbles to be used each time for stoning of the Jamarat’

6- 70 000 angels write good deeds for one who recites durood shareef

Amigos, Amigas - Friends in Islam

What is a friend? According to the dictionary it's “a person who one knows and with who one has a bond of mutual affection". Ok, so the next question, who are our friends? Really think about it. 


Who are the people that we choose to socialise with? Whose interests and goals match our own? Whose company do we love being in?


Most likely, you've started to think of those people that you've met at school, university or work, and perhaps for some of you, like me, you thought of your families too (yes seriously). 

