I really really want to become an atheist because I think religion bounds a person to follow certain things and if you are an atheist you don’t have to follow anything your free to do what you like
I don’t want to get married to anyone because it’s a life contract and you have to make certain compromises to please your Husband – Wife you even have to lie when your wife say honey does my bum look big in this and you have to say NO to keep her happy and if you say YES it does then she gets grumpy and says do you not love me like you use to not only that but when you have kids you have to worry about there lives IE there up bringing Education and so on, When it comes to upbringing it is very difficult to give them a good example of life when they have role models like Jordon / Katie Price I have lost count of the amount of times she has married and divorced don’t ask about how many boy friends she’s had in between that time (excluding weekends)
If you people on here had a son or daughter and he / she said daddy I want to be like Katie Price what would you say?
There are some questions in life that come to mind more then others about religion
Does Allah – God actually exist?
How Did Allah - God come in to entrance?
Who crated Allah - God?
What was Allah - God crated for?
How did Allah – Got create the World
Why does he need us to pray, fast for him he is the almighty?
Why do we have to give Zakat, Sadqa, does that mean he values money?
Why does he want us to perform Hajj / Umrah
Why do Muslims practice female circumcision? (Mostly in parts of Africa and Asia) why did Islam not banned this practice?
When a Muslim child is born male or female why is it must to give the Azaan in its Ear? The child does not understand anything about religion at such a young age
Why did Allah tell Muslim women to wear the Burqa / Niqab (it looks horrible) He did not tell men? Or at least men don’t seem to cover up
Why is it that Muslim men can marry up to eight wives or keep eight wives and women can’t marry eight men (That’s not fair)
Why don’t Muslim fathers want there daughters to educate, Is it because that they will fight for there rights?
(Most Muslim gals I know get married very early 9 is the earliest average is around 16 to 24) Arab, Afghanistani, Bangladeshi, Pakistani, – Mirpuri and all others
Why don’t Muslims live in harmony with each other IE Sunni, Shia, Wahabi etc there is up-roar in almost every Muslim country in the world
There will be more questions to follow
I don't know whether you're serious about this or not, cause there's no point of you asking any of these questions about Allah(swt) if you don't believe he exists. You will not be able to comprehend the attributes of Allah and you will not accept them until you believe he exists. So let us not go any further until you accept there is a creator of all things and that he was not created.
Let me just give you an example of an Atheist before you 'choose' to become one. Imagine you are sleeping in your bed one night and while you sleep your friends come and pick you up with your matress and dump you in the middle of a train station. The next day you wake up and just see everyone else going on trains so you just go on a train.
This is just like someone who comes into the world and doesn't question where he came from, what he is doing here and where is he going to go. It doesn't make any sense at all. What Islam does is give you the answer to all these questions and it is a guide for ones way to live their life. You will find all these answers in the holy Qur'an.
Before i go any further on answering your questions i want to know if you actually believe in Allah or not. I hope you are not wasting any of our time and asking these questions to try and be smart. We are only here to please Allah and everything happens through his will.
If you are sincere in looking for guidance then Allah will guide you. If you want to discuss properly feel free to PM me or perhaps one of the other more knowledgable members here. We can still carry on here if you wish.
May Allah guide us all. Ameen
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
Why should they pay anything its there money no matter how little or big it maybe
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Being selfish isn't a great quality!
And as the Prophet
said the ummah is like on body, if a part of it hurts then the whole body suffers. (paraphrased)
Therefore if someone is suffering then it does in some way affect you and it SHOULD affect you, after all you are human too.
If you were living in complete poverty, you got ill and you had to pay for your healthcare/treatment but had no money would you not be ever so grateful to someone who raises money for you and potentially saves your life?
And the person giving the money would be rewarded too, as in the Qur'an it says 'If you save one life it is like saving the whole of mankind'.
It's a win-win situation.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
I am how can I proof it?
If he did exists then Pakistan would not be in such crises that it's in right now (too many to name)look at India everthing is great from govt. to sports to Bollywood films look at Pakistan the believers of Allah govt is corrupt Zardari is known the world over as Mr. 10%, Pakistan LOST the world cup to India who worship idols as there gods and drink cow p and Pakistani Lollywood films don't even go there they are made fun of which makes me sooooooooooooooooooooo
and they are going down hill day by day
So what you're saying is that I would just blindly follow others?
NO because I may not want to get on the train besides dont' we already blindly follow the Quran and think that there is a God - Allah
We know that we came into this world because our parents pro created I don't know were we are going to go
Does it say in the Quran who created Allah and how, How do we know if our religion is the way to Jannat? (Jannah)we are just following what a book says it has as much chances as being right as wrong
No because of what is happening in Pakistan
What makes you think that? and what would I get out of wasting your time?
I am thats why I'm asking questions
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There are more important things than the success of the entertainment world - especially when most of the stuff they come out with is a load of rubbish.
India is still one of the poorest countries in the world and child labour is still very high, what does that mean then, where does that put your No God argument?
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
One has to be to make the best of life
I’ve heard this joke before Ummah? what Ummah Sunni then which Sunni Hanfi – Deobandi -Shafi then Shia, Wahabi then the caste system, you call this one Ummah? I think not
But if you have no money then tough that'slife yes I would be grateful to that person but what would the person giving the money get?
So if you kill someone you kill the whole of mankind? If yes then in Pakistan people are killing each other everyday for things such as Mobile Phone's Land (Zameen) Money (Paisa) just to name a few
for the receiver not giver
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I'm not gna bother replying to the rest of your post since those point have already been covered yet you choose to completely ignore them but
yes that's true
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Muslims believe they have been given responsibility for caring for Allah's creation and using the resources Allah has provided to help humanity in the best way possible. Generosity is always encouraged in Islam and is part of the process of becoming less self-centred and more focused on Allah (Taqwa)
Then how good is the health care, education, Govt corruption compared to India
I love Pakistani Films, Music Dramas you say its rubbish have you ever seen a Pakistani Film? Drama, have you ever heard any Pakistani Music?
Its Pakistani people like you that have damaged the Lollywood industry by watching Indain Bollywood films
Its better then Pakistan and Azad Kashmir put together sadly
and its growing day by day and they don't believe in Allah or God
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Why can't Allah care for its own creation he's the almighty
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So you're 13 right?
Allah (swt) can do whatever He wants. He's seeing what you will do for others.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
How can you be the judge of that
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I'm not the judge of anything, it was a question.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Why can't Allah care for its own creation he's the almighty
The same reason he put US onto the Earth, not Himself!
(To test us...)
It can't take care of Karachi let alone the whole creation
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By "It" are you referring to Allah (swt) ?
Yes, ok lets say HE can't look after Karachi
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wouah! my heart is beating so fast and i want to punch my screen.
edit: Yaa Allah give us patience, for patience is a great quality.
SI: i think there is no going forward at the moment, what you need to do, is get yourself a translation of the Quran, read it. and see what you think.
Islam isnt about "blindly following" anything. that leads to nothing. Islam is about sense and reason. and to have FAITH you have to UNDERSTAND and BELIEVE. not blindly follow.
and WHAT THE FRICK! drop the caste system please. hanafi/shafi'i isnt like a caste system where one is above the other <<< yeah dude, thats what a caste system is. Did you recently learn that in RE? dont bother answering.
the different branch of Islam (apart from the deviated ones) are just minor differences, you have met muslims who have blown it out of proportion. but you wouldnt understand. yet. I pray to ALLAH that He helps you understand. we are ALL muslims. and we love each other. you know the whole "agree to disagree" thats what hanafi/shafi'i etc.. is about.
another word of advice: judge ISLAM, not the muslims
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Why is your heart beating fast are you in love?
Why do you want to punch your cpu screen for?
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lack of self control. Im getting angry.
one thing i have to say: can you PLEASE have some respect for the way of life Islam is and that we all practise and love. This will show that you are genuine in your intention.
can you also soften your questions and do not ask them in such a hurtful manner, you come across as if you're trying to make fun of us (or maybe its your youth, i'll say its your youth..)
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Allah? say anger is Haraam
What have I said in a hurtful manner? why would I make fun of anyone?
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he doesnt say Anger is haraam, silence is better, especially when you dont know. It's disliked. and i havent punched my screen so i controleed my anger. TADAAAA
and i dont know man, i aint in your Head. only Allah knows what's your intention and what you're thinking and want out of this. you just come across as hurtful because you keep reasking the same questions (as if you havent read what we painstakingly wrote out especially for you). Maybe it's your youth..
you're also linking everything with anything. and asking stuff you're not ready to hear the answers/ will not understand the answers until you believe in Allah.
but if you wanted to understand you could. because we have tried to explain it. it seems you are not listening/reading.
I have met an atheist once, and im a bit of a blabbermouth, so something like "isnt your life REALLY SAD?! came out before i could control it. and do you know what he answered? "yes it is..."
before you leave ISlam. (may That never ever ever ever happens) you need to KNOW what Islam is, even better than most muslims. cos if you reject it, that means you know what it is about.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
All Religions are about "blindly following"
I will answer because if Islam was the true faith there would be no division in its Ummah like the Sunni, Hanfi, Shafi, Maaliki, Deobandi, then the fake Muslims Qaadyani (Ahmadi) it would be we are all Muslims followers of one Nabbi that's it
but the Shia seem to follow Hazrat Ali (RA) more then prophet Mohammed (PBUH)
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Maybe, If you really want to understand Islam, you should speak to a convert and see how their belief changed, why it changed, what made them see Islam was the truth.
Maybe if Dawud/Ya'qub popped out of somewhere, they could help too hmmm
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Not Islam.
The qur'an repeatedly asks people to think, to observe.
The main issue for you is one of "does God exist?"
That is what the discussion should be focussed on.
and from your posts I can sense that you have encountered some popular athiest sayings and literature, so I will turn that around.
There are two principles that you need co consdier:
Occams razor - the simplest solution is normally the right one.
Sherlock Holmes - when you rule out the impossible, whatever remains, however improbably, has to be the truth.
The Qur'an tells us to look round us, to observe and to ponder, so I ask you to please do that.
Please pnder over the universe, everything.
Ask yourself how did it come into being.
What does your mind and your heart say?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
+1 do not judge Islam by what some Muslims are doing cause Islam is perfect but the human being isn't
Like i said before you will not understand Islam or Allah unless we go through the existance of Allah.
For us to go any further you will have to answer the above questions from 'You'
Lets reunite the ummah under one flag LA ILAHA IL ALLAH MUHAMMADUR RASULULLAH
the flaw with your argument here SI. is: Islam is a way of life.
and i already commented (twice) on the whole divide thingy. what do you make of this? do you just ignore it coz you dont like it?
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Lets add what is god how does he look like does he have arms legs if yes then how many 1 2 3 4 5
How can you tell?- besides I was born a Muslim
No not in all cases
I can't see God or Jabreel all I can see is things that are man made
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trees, flowers, grass, intelligence, the fact you blink without thinking, the fact you breathe without thinking, wood, spiders, butterflies, ladybirds. ALL MAN MADE right?
what about your brain? you've ever seen it? then how come you say it exists? I say it doesnt. I say you have no brain. what do you say?
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Muslims are divided in every thing like what day should we celebrate Eid there have been 3 or 4 Eids every year that's what I call unity LOL
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