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A Letter to the West That Raised Me


A Letter to the West That Raised Me

By Yasmin Mogahed

Growing up, you read me the Ugly Duckling. And for years I believed that was me. I am a woman—that ugly duckling among men. For so long you taught me I was nothing more than a bad copy of the standard.

I couldn’t run as fast or lift as much. I didn’t make the same money and I cried too often. I grew up in a man’s world where I didn’t belong.

And when I couldn’t be him, I wanted only to please him. I put on your makeup and wore your short skirts. I gave my life, my body, my dignity, for the cause of being pretty.

'Heroes of Islam' Youth Convention

Annual Youth Convention
'Heroes of Islam'

Saturday 9th July 2005

London Muslim Centre (LMC)
Whitechapel, London, E1

A Brief Introduction

The AYC 2005 is set to be one of the largest brothers only gatherings of Muslim youth in one specific place to share with one another the beauty of Islam and brotherhood.

The Annual Youth Convention (AYC) is a holistic display of the deen of al Islam in all its glories, it shall attempt to dispel the myths to the shabab that Islam is 'boring', that it is 'crazy' or for only 'old people'.


Every nation has

Bush administration annexes internet

[size=18]Bush administration annexes internet[/size]

An extraordinary statement by the US government has sent shockwaves around the internet world and thrown the future of the network into doubt.

In a worrying U-turn, the US Department of Commerce (DoC) has made it clear it intends to retain control of the internet's root servers indefinitely. It was due to relinquish that control in September 2006, when its contract with overseeing body ICANN ended...

[url= Register[/url]




Many new restaurants are opening up in my local town centre which also serve sheesha.

Personally, smoking disgusts dad used to smoke and I used to avoid sitting next to him when he was smoking because the smell would go in my hair and clothes…

But a woman smoking puts me off, more so cos it’s just not “lady like”.


What do you think of when you hear the words “Muslim Woman”?

Do you think of a religious woman with rights and freedom of choice?
Or do you think of an oppressed woman who has no choice in any aspect of her life and is simply ruled by the tyrant rulers of Islam?

It is a sad fact that most people today would admit to the second suggestion.

I am a Muslim woman but I don’t feel that way - so where have all these misconceptions and misunderstandings come from?

The Revival is no longer interesting.

The Revival used to be a site of many. You want news, politics, religion, you want to laugh, joke, tell you filling, you want to debate, speak freely and you got the place. Today The Revival is full with childish topics, it is no longer a place of interest and you can hardly hear any body speaking about it any more.

The Revival used to be like most web browser's homepage. The first thing they want open when accessing their Web page was The Revival. People liked to laugh before they start morning work or change their mode when they had bad day. What most of you here thought was useless topics were the only topics that people out there were interested to read.


Everyone dies, it's just a nick of time & we shall say good bye to you too.... No matter if you alcoholic or a whatever that might keep you healthy. We are all going to die in one way or another. Today he died, tomorrow you die and day after I die, it's a circle of life. Some people leave longer than others simply to pass or to handover the process of life.

So, take it easy to those you call alcoholic and let them enjoy their time and life while they steel can.

Influence of modern philosophy on muslims


Does anyone else get really annoyed when they hear muslims make statements that are based clearly on modernist interpretations of society and history?

Like take for example you always hear muslims nowadays saying that Islam is a religion of Tolerance. I could go in depth about the background and nature of the concept of Tolerance in recent in history but I'd be here all night. To the point how is Islam a religion of Tolerance?

It's certainly tolerant of some things and intolerant of others but so is every culture and religion in the world.



Peace of heart comes from a heart free of anxiety. Anxiety is caused by the weight of all that is material.

The weight of possessions, love of family, children, this world etc.

These all weigh the heart down and prevent it from soaring. The way to purify and free it is to remember Allah (swt).

Remembering Allah (swt) internally/secretly by making inward supplications is one of the principle qualities of identifying the true believer.

