Forum Topics


Guest, you better post on this ok? and Admin, please dont lock it (lotR is my fave topic and i dont really know why you lock threads...why do you?) So basically people this is a lotR fan ONLY thread. No harry potter, no chronicles of narnia (who even watches that?) etc... WELCOME ALL LOTR FANS !!!! You may talk about whatever you like ( about lotR of course).. My first question; Are there lady dwarfs in J.R.R Tolkiens stories? ever?

[b]EDIT: A thread about this already exists. This is not a sci-fi or fantasy forum. Thread locked.

At Least My Heart Is Clean…


Many people boast about their heart being clean.

To me, this is a license to continue with wrong doing. You know, “so I may not cover, or pray, but God knows that my heart is clean”.

One can’t help but smile at such statements.

Firstly, if ones heart was REALLY clean, then they wouldn’t indulge in wrong doings. After all, ones pure, clean heart would be manifested through their actions.

Secondly, Allah (swt) states in the holy Qur’an that we should NOT ascribe purity to ourselves.

Adopting the Sunnah

The Sunnah of Nabi Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam is without doubt the most beautiful and most noble way. There can be no believer who doubts on this. It is indeed one of the miracles of Islaam that every single act and habit of Hadrat Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam has been recorded, transmitted and meticulously transmitted for the Ummah by the Most Noble Companions first and foremost, and then later by the Ulama of Islaam.

What X-Men Character would you be?

[b]Okay if you could be any charctaer which one would yoiu be ??????????????[/b]

I dont want an essay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just want the name of the character that you would like to be!!!!!!!!!!!

[b]To make it more interseting you can't pick a character that is already chosen by someone else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/b]

Islam: A Daily Struggle?


A few friends of mine are new converts….they find Islam hard. Of course, putting on the Hijaab, learning/reading salaah, learning Arabic and fasting for the first time will be SO difficult for one who has never done it before.

It’s important of course, that they do everything on their own pace.

Most of us here were born into Muslims families….however, is Islam a daily struggle for us in our life?

According to a lecture I heard the other day, it should be.

Nothing of value can ever be easy.
