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girl in Edgebaston turned into a mermaid

in edgebaston, birmingham, a mother was reading the Quran whilst her daughter was playing loud music in her bedroom. the mother asked her daughter to turn off the music whilst she was reading or at leat turn it down so she could carry on reading, without being distracted but the daughter did not listen and instead turned the music on louder, being disrespectful. then suddenly she turned into into a mermaid.

Getting fat!!!


a few people have hinted to me that i'm putting weight on!!!!

so ppl, what is the best way to lose some weight?

no real time for going to a gym what next?

what kind of exercises can one do at home every now and then?

does weight lifting work?

and what kind of food is a complete NO NO when it comes to losing weight?

some words of wisdom pls...


Cheap Shot - Sky News

Ok this happened last year, it was an interview in the Sky Centre between Tim Marshall and that Omar Bakri Mohammed guy (the one they wanted to kick outta the country, I think he left while his family stayed).

Anyway, i can remember Marshall saying all this stuff to Bakri about anti-UK etc etc n why u living here, ur family on benefits etc but then he said "and what about the verse in the Qur'an which says that when the end of the world comes, even a tree will say there is a Jew hiding behind me".

At that time I was halfway thru the Qur'an translation and hadn't read that.

Sudan man forced to 'marry' goat!!!

[color=indigo] A Sudanese man has been forced to take a goat as his "wife", after he was caught having sex with the animal.

The goat's owner, Mr Alifi, said he surprised the man with his goat and took him to a council of elders.They ordered the man, Mr Tombe, to pay a dowry of 15,000 Sudanese dinars ($50) to Mr Alifi."We have given him the goat, and as far as we know they are still together," Mr Alifi said.

Mr Alifi, Hai Malakal in Upper Nile State, told the Juba Post newspaper that he heard a loud noise around midnight on 13 February and immediately rushed outside to find Mr Tombe with

Drought? What Drought?


Us Mancunians will probably see this as hilarious. Especially at the jibes that it is always raining here. (well it has been snowing on and off tha last few, sarated by rain...)

But in southern England we may have the worst drought in the last 10 years!

There is already a hosepipe ban suggested, and it is possible that the watersupply to homes may be shut off for periods of time during the day!

Ken Livingstone Suspended!


London's mayor has been suspended from office on full pay for four weeks for comparing a Jewish journalist to a concentration camp guard.

pls share your thoughts:

should he have been suspended?

or was it injustice?

is this double standards?

are the jewish community protected by the law and other faiths arent?

where does this leave freedom of speech?

is 'everything' now labelled as antisemitism?


Holocaust Denial - It aint in Egypt!

The title was gonna be 'Holocaust Denial - - everyone does it', but I like this one better.

So... today I watched House. Pretty good.

Thenturned over to question Time. It was so, so.

But then the question came about that historian (Irvine?) who denied the holocause in 1989, and has not been sentenced to three years in prison.

Everyone gave thoughtful answers.

Lazy Days

Thank God for em - just survived a battery of examinations and papers and I decided to make today "nothing day"

Oh boy... it's been great.

I haven't left this room (had lunch delivered) ALL DAY

I stole World of Warcraft from one of my roommates (the one I never see) - anybody see that game? It's amazing, I can see why geeks lose their existence to it... there are dragons and dinosaurs and wizards and stuff!!! It's magnificent!

I need to schedule more of these lazy days.
