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Islam Awareness Week

[size=18][b]Mon 6th March - Fri 10th March @ The Manchester Metropolitan University[/b][/size]

Inshallah theres a wide range of events, some talks as well, and throught the week an exhibition will be taking place in the university.

Anyone who wants more information, contact me and i'll provide more info. heres a poster for one the talks:


Technology and the end of times...

[quote][size=18]RFID: Sign of the (End) Times?[/size]

CAMBRIDGE, Massachusetts -- Katherine Albrecht is on a mission from God.

The influential consumer advocate has written a new book warning her fellow Christians that radio frequency identification may evolve to become the "mark of the beast" -- meaning the technology is a sign that the end-times are drawing near.

"My goal as a Christian (is) to sound the alarm," said Albrecht, in a conversation over tea at a high-end grocery store.

Albrecht has been a leading opponent of RFID, which is fast becoming a part of passports and paymen

Reza Aslan

Have any of you heard of Reza Aslan?

I'm reading a book of his - i think he's another Californian.

It's quite excellent

[b]EDIT: Split from Blasphemous Cartoons thread ---------------- Modnster [/b]

Printer Advice


My printer needs some ink.

Simple you think? just buy some ink?

Well... the ink will cost around £50.00.

Its a lexmark. Their ink is really expensive, plus they do not allowe third parties to supply ink.

And it does not work with linux.

Now I think its good to get az new printer.

I remember Epsons being rather good a few years ago, but my experiance with HP is rather good. And they are quiet.


*Joke Thread* :)

A Palestinian sister posted this on my forum, I wonder how much of what is written below, is similar to our culture (Pakistanis, Bengalis, Gujarati and so on..) Lol

[b]You Know ur Arab When. . . .

thas right----- more of our UNIQUE characteristics[/b]

You refer to your dad's friends as Amoo.

You have an endless supply of pistachios, dates, and pumpkin seeds...

Your parents say you're becoming westernized anytime you get into trouble.

You curse at your teachers or strangers in Arabic.

You can spot Arabs a mile away and you know they've have spotted you because they keep staring.

the Largest arcade system on a islamic forum

Assalam Walicum

check out this forum they have the the largest and the most powerful arcade system which is larger than any islamic forum or site, plus they have interesting debates etc.... which go on there, they have other services like on line counselling

join today and benifit from the services



i thought i needed a change...hence revival was a door to change Wink

im sunni i think a certain member may know me from another forum i moderate for Biggrin

adios amigos Biggrin

PM attacked on Iraq 'God' remarks

[quote][size=18]PM attacked on Iraq 'God' remarks[/size]

Anti-war campaigners have criticised Tony Blair after he suggested his decision to go to war in Iraq would ultimately be judged by God.

The prime minister told ITV1's Parkinson chat show: "If you believe in God (the judgement) is made by God."

Reg Keys, whose son was killed in Iraq, said Mr Blair was "using God as a get-out for total strategic failure" and his comments were "abhorrent".

But Labour MP Stephen Pound praised Mr Blair for being "painfully honest".

[b]'Right thing'[/b]

Mr Blair told Michael Parkinson, in an

Hey Big Spender

A coffee here, a taxi there, a lottery ticket at the weekend – we take our little treats for granted.

But if we knew what they really cost us, we might not be so carefree with our money.
According to research from, the average person fritters away a horrifying £57,434 on non-essentials during their working lifetime.

If the money from those treats were instead used for additional mortgage repayments, the average mortgage term would be cut by eight years.

Public Speaking


I hate public speaking with a passion. I’ve often had nightmares of me messing up in front of an audience.

However, despite my extreme hatred for it. I’m regularly in front of an audience. I’m OK with teachings and being in front of an audience of children…it’s any other type of audience that scares me.

And for some reason, public speaking does not get easier with practise.
