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[size=24][b]THE RAMADHAN/EID CONNUNDRUM!-[/b][/size] [size=18][b]All eyes on the decision makers-[/b][/size]

By Majed Iqbal

Its nearly coming to the end of Ramadhan and Yes Edis around the corner !! All of us now will be preparing ourselves for Eid festivities after going through the month of blessings, rewards and forgiveness.

The SAD SIGHT of Muslim Youth during Ramadhan (Rochdale)

[size=18][b]The SAD SIGHT of Muslim Youth during Ramadhan (Rochdale)[/b][/size]
By Mohammed Imran

Asalaamualaikum, I am sorry to have to share this with you during the blessed month of Ramadhan. While doing security outside Neeli Mosque I was thinking it has been a quieter a time this Ramdhan in regards to misbehaving youth especially after the Gang fighting from last year but then I read something like this.

Heart trembling story of the grave

[b]Heart trembling story of the grave[/b]

Sayyiduna Umar bin Abdul Aziz once went to the graveyard with the funeral where he sat pondering. Someone asked him, `Why are you sitting in astonishment next to this grave?` He replied, `This grave called out to me and said, `Why don`t you ask me what I do to the people who come into me.` I said to the grave, `Do tell me.` The grave said, `When a person comes inside me, I rip off his shroud and then rip the persons body to pieces and eat his meat.

Milad Raza Qadri (new album)

[b]Asaalamu alaikum,
Just to let all brothers and sisters know that the new album of Muhammad Milad Raza Qadri (Glasgow) has been released with OSA (Oriental Star Agency) titled Rukh Sey Kakul Hata Diya Tu Nay.

The CD should be availble to buy from you local islamic bookshop or stall or alternatively from his website in the next few days (All profit goes towards publishing Islamic Literature in English) [/b]




Salaamz Bro`s n new 2 dis forum jus joined...luv da recent forums and luv d online magazines....

Revival Rocks Blum 3
