Forum Topics

Majority of Pakistanis want Shariah Law

[color=orange][size=18][b]GALLUP REPORT- Majority of Pakistanis want Shariah Law[/b][/size][/color]

Once again, the nation of Pakistan thrusts itself onto the World scene as Political commentators debate and discuss its future. These Commentators are not just restricted to those from Pakistan but extend internationally pursuing the unfolding events over the Upcoming Elections Issue with a detailed eye.

In the Video report, the analysts deal with the latest news that over 51% of Pakistanis want Shariah Law as the only Source, 24% said that it should be one of the Sources and a meagre 6% stated it should not be a source.

Learning the Lessons of UNITY from RAMADHAN

[color=green][size=18][b]Learning the Lessons of UNITY from RAMADHAN[/b][/size][/color][b]

By Majed Iqbal[/b]

As all of us have been been witnessing in the press and Media lately, both nationally and internationally, the heavy attempts made to malign the call for Shariah in the Muslim World as outdated, non-workable and depicted as not being the aspirations of the people.

We have seen attempts in Britain to divide the community into those who are moderate (non-political groups who tow the government line) and those who are branded as Extreme (Islamic political groups who challenge for


As-salâmu `alaykum dear brothers and sisters in Islam

It is a great privilege to announce the following 3-day function:

[color=green][b]DAWRA (STUDY OF) SAHÃŽH MUSLIM[/b][/color]
(Covering: Usûlul-Hadîth, al-`Aqâ’id, al-Fiqh, Kitâbul-Îmân to Kitâbus-salâh)

By: Hujjatul-Muhaddithîn Shaykh-ul-Islam wal-Muslimîn Prof Dr

Start: Friday, 5pm

Dates: 19, 20 and 21 October 2007

Venue: Jami`a Masjid Gamkol Sharif (Europe’s largest mosque)
150 Golden Hillock Road
Small Heath
B10 0DP

Other guest scholars:
* Khalifa Sufi `Abdulla

Chand Raat Longsight

Location - Longsight Market

Date - Thursday October 11

Time - from 5pm until 10.30pm.


There will be live music, a fun fair, henna painting, bangles and bhangra dancers, ready-made Asian garments etc.

St John's Road will be closed to accommodate the crowds for this fun-filled family evening.

open to all except for M4k4v3l1 lol

Chand Raat 2007

venue: Nawab Premier
Stockport Road

date: Wednesday 10th Oct 07

time: 6pm till late

Exclusive fashion show
talent show - win £500 cash prize
DJ, food
jewellery etc

LADIES AND CHILDREN ONLY (no [b]M4k4v3l1's[/b] allowed hehehehe)

Tickets adult 4 in advance (£5 on door), children 10 year or under FREE

Tickets avaliable at
Neelam Creations - 118 Wilmslow rd, Rushlome, Manchester - Tel 0161 224 6077

Fuchsia - 161 Dickenson Rd, Manchester tel 0161 225 9777

Tip Top Hair & Beauty Salon - 97 Beresford Rd, Longsight,

Laylatul Qadr is a night full of utmost blessings

Ahamdulilahi rabbil aalameen, wassalato wassalamu ala Sayyidil mursaleen, ama ba’aad. Fa a’audhu billahi minashaitan nir rajeem. Bismillahir rahmaan nir raheem.

Assalatu wassalamu alaika Ya Rasool Allah,
Wa ala alika wa ashabika Ya Habeeb Allah.
Assalatu wassalamu alaika Ya Nabi Allah,
Wa ala alika wa ashabika Ya Noor Allah.

The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasalam) taught us Darood Shareef to attain salvation, perfect peace and maximum gain in this world as well as the next.

Eid Comedy & Nasheed Tour

Just saw this on the events section...seems very good and unique event which we can all bevefit from, so i thought I 'll add it here aswell.

[b]Eid Comedy & Nasheed Tour[/b]

All profits go to the Hospital in Chicha Watani in Pakistan.
(Deen Trust)

Tickets only £10 (help a good cause)

Mecca 2 Medina
Baba Ali (Ummah Films)
Prince Abdi
Khaleel Muhammad
Mustakim Sahir
Zafar (786)
Azeem (Allah Made Me Funny)
Br Dash
Rehan Ali (Pakistan)

Fri 26 Oct - Glasgow

Sat 27 Oct - Birmingham

Sun 28 Oct - London

Mon 29 Oct - Bradford

Tue 30

Out of body experiences

Slmz people couple of weeks back on the radio on club asia....i was listing 2 a topic which people had to tell about there "out of body experiences" it was very intresting but sum where scary!....soo it would b really intresting if anyone can share there "out of body experiences"

i dont have any but am intrested in reading sum Smile
