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I’itikaf in Ramadhaan

I’itikaf in Ramadhaan

I’tikaf means staying in the mosque for a specific purpose, which is to worship Allaah. It is prescribed in Islam and is mustahabb (recommended) according to the consensus of the scholars. Imam Ahmad said, as was narrated from him by Abu Daawood: “I have not heard from any of the scholars that it is anything other than Sunnah.”

Az-Zuhri said: “How strange the Muslims are!

The Revival Magazine Issue 9 - OUT NOW!!!


I think it was supposed to be distributed in Birmingham tonight. Should be distributed elsewhere from sometime next week.


[quote][b]Online Exclusive:[/b] [url= the Forums[/url]

[url=]... - Who Am I?[/url]

[i]The following articles are not available yet for online viewing. They will be added soon.

DarulEhsan - Manchester - Iftari - Sat 29 Sept

[size=18]Assalamu Alaikum[/size]

Darul Ehsan invite you to a special programme & Iftari

Date : Sat 29th Sept

Time : start Asar Salaat 5pm - End Magrib (approx 7pm) after which a full meal (iftari) be will served

Venue : Jamial Al Karimia, 1st Floor, 200 Platt Lane, Rusholme, Manchester M14 7DE

programme will include Dhikr (recitation of Asma ul Husna & Salawaat)

All are invited and asked to attend this very spiritually uplifting programme.

This is a free event

This programme is being held to commerate the anniversary (Urs Mubarak) of Shaykh Abu Anees Muhammad Bar

Health Benefits of Saying "Alhamdulillah"

Salaam, let me know what you make of this article.

Health Benefits of Saying "Alhamdulillah"
By Karima Burns

There are many examples in the Qur'an and Hadith of the virtues of a positive mental attitude, perseverance and optimism in the face of adversity. However, did you know that patience and a positive outlook on life are two of the greatest healing tools that you can use?

Ten annoying things in Ramadhan part one

Ten annoying things in Ramadhan part one

1. People who don’t fast and openly smoke, drink and eat in front of you.

2. people waking up for sehri and going back to sleep without praying fajr,

3. People thinking that Ramadhan is only for the duration of your fast i.e as soon as it's time for iftaar, they can do all the stuff they've refrained from doing throughout the day

4. The amount of food that is wasted or goes down the bin

5. The huge number of text messages wishing you Ramadhan Mubarak and the Eid messages


Funny/embarassing/geeky stories please!

You might have had this before (sorry if you have) but lets hear some funny/embarassing/geeky/cringe stories please..

Ill start with a really stupid geeky one. It involves a shopping trip to Meadowhall with my two sisters. Anyway.. during this shopping trip my lil bro calls me and says get me some boxers from Madhouse.

So we stopped by Madhouse and i went over to the calvin kleins section and picked up a small size in grey boxers..

US guards kill Iraqis civilains


[b]The real story of Baghdad's Bloody Sunday [/b]

Six days ago, at least 28 civilians died in a shooting
incident involving the US security company Blackwater.
But what actually happened? Kim Sengupta reports from
the scene of the massacre

INDEPENDENT - Friday 21 September 2007

The eruption of gunfire was sudden and ferocious,
round after round mowing down terrified men women and
children, slamming into cars as they collided and
overturned with drivers frantically trying to escape.
Some vehicles were set alight by exploding petrol
tanks. A mother and her infant child died in one of
them, trapped in the flames.

iPhone Day

It is supposed to be this Tuesday. As in today.

As they say "Mum is no longer the word."

Anyone plan on getting one?

(If that conference thingy turns out to be about something else, I might look like a right plonker.)
